Annette Waggoner, Executive Director of the Commercial Collection Agency Association of the Commercial Law League of America, reports that in the fourth quarter of 2013, the number of commercial (B2B) accounts placed with CCAA members decreased slightly by 5.70% when compared to third quarter of 2013. The dollars placed for collection increased by 4.13% for the same periods compared. Members report that their average sized account rose by over 10%.

For the twelve month period ending December 2013, when compared to the twelve month period ending December 2012, both the number of accounts placed and the dollars placed for collection declined approximately 11.5%. The average sized account slightly rose in the twelve month period ending 2013 versus the same time period in 2012–the increase was less than 1%.

The CCAA also tracked fourth quarter placements of its members from 2006 to 2013. While in the initial years of the span (2006-2009), the number and dollar value of accounts placed increased, sharp declines were seen between 2009 and 2010 and the later years (2010-2013) exhibited attrition in both number and dollar value of accounts placed. When studying the span of years, there is an increase of approximately 7.5% in dollar value of accounts received in 2013 when compared to dollar value of accounts received in 2006. When comparing the number of accounts received, there is a 32% decrease. The Association saw the same trend when analyzing the third quarter placements.

The Commercial Collection Agency Association (CCAA) is an association of commercial collection agencies that have been CERTIFIED by the Commercial Law League of America. They represent the leaders in the commercial collection or business to business collection industry, handling about sixty-five percent of the commercial accounts placed for collection.

CCAA Members undergo an intensive and continuing certification process. For more information on CCAA, the certification process and its members, go to the Website: or call Annette Waggoner at (847) 907-4670.

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