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Looking Back on 2022: A Dynamic Year for the ARM Industry

Many adjectives can describe this year for the ARM Industry. Dynamic may be the most appropriate given the full implementation of Regulation F and the over-expanding authority of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). 2022 was a year of “initiatives” and policy statements which will translate into affirmative action by both the CFPB and state regulators.

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Case Study: How Credit Service Company Used Business Intelligence to Increase Revenue without Increasing Effort 

Credit Service Company needed to find a new, more efficient strategy without hiring in new resources or risking recovery rates. In this new 5-minute video case study from Intelitech Group, find out how Credit Service Company was able to reduce effort, uphold compliance, and increase revenue by incorporating collection analytics and improved account scoring into their workflow. 

See it here.

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The increasing need for skip tracing tools [sponsored]

What is skip tracing in debt collection?

Skip tracing in debt collection — the art and process of locating someone who's “skipped" town — is as old as debt collecting and law enforcement. Some skip tracing techniques have remained largely unchanged, even if the technology, scale and speed with which they're practiced have evolved. When it comes to collecting, skip tracing an account is often a necessary step to make a right-party contact (RPC), and there are many ways to reach debtors today, including emails, calls, texts, social media accounts and physical mail.

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Companies With Lax Data Security Risk Running Afoul of FTC

In a pair of recent enforcement actions, the Federal Trade Commission cracked down on companies with allegedly lax data security measures that resulted in the theft of personal information of millions of consumers.

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Vertican CIO Receives Recognition from the CIO Professional Network

FAIRFIELD, N.J. -- Stephen Greco, Vertican Technologies, Inc. Chief Information Officer, received recognition from the CIO Professional Network as one if its 2022 Distinguished Members. This organization is a members-only network set up to share best practices and insight on common issues and it recently asked its community to register their votes for the three members that they felt had contributed greatly to the membership in 2022.

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3 Key Ways to Prepare for Tax Season Now

Consumers may be financially healthy right now, but savings rates are dropping, household debt is soaring and, depending who you ask, a recession either looms or is already here. Getting your 2023 tax season collections strategy set now may give you the best opportunity to collect on past-due accounts in the next 12-24 months.

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Superlative RM Hires John Curry as Vice President of Business Development

PHOENIX, Ariz. -- Superlative RM announced today that John Curry has joined the team as the Vice President of Business Development. Curry has over thirty-six years of experience in the ARM industry, having experience in sales and marketing and debt purchasing. This announcement comes as Superlative looks to expand and compete in new markets.

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