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TCPA Rulings Confirms Criminal Penalties for Failing to Register in Rhode Island

Increasing state regulation has proven to be VERY tricky to navigate for callers these days.

In Laccinole v. GulfCoast Collection, 2023 WL 157719 (Jan. 11, 2023 D. R.I.) the Court confirmed a debt collector can face CRIMINAL penalties under state law for failing to register as a debt collector with the state under R.I. Gen. Laws § 19–14.9–12 and 19–14.9–13.

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[Webinar] Effective Ways to Streamline Your Audit Process

February 28 at 2pm ET. Handling more with less is crucial for compliance professionals. Constantly changing laws, rules and regulations plus increased client requirements can make the job of keeping your company safe daunting. How can compliance professionals keep up when there are only so many hours in a day, and adding staff isn’t always an available option? Since internal auditing is a must in today’s regulatory environment, finding ways to streamline your audit process is a good way to start. Reducing the time spent on audits, will free up time to meet other compliance challenges. Register now.

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National Credit Adjusters Donates to Local TECH Organization to Help Those with Disabilities

HUTCHINSON, Kan. -- National Credit Adjusters, whose mission is to bring integrity, professionalism, and the highest standards of compliance to debt servicing, is proud to announce that they have recently donated to their local TECH organization. Based in Hutchinson, KS, the Training and Evaluation Center of Hutchinson (TECH) provides services and programs to help adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live the fullest lives possible. Additionally, TECH provides service coordination to families with children who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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Reliant Capital Solutions Announces Acquisition of Municipal Collection Services

COLUMBUS, OH – Reliant Capital Solutions, LLC (Reliant), a certified woman-owned business, has acquired Municipal Collection Services, LLC (MCS).  The acquisition advances the company’s position as a burgeoning leader in the accounts receivable management (ARM) sector servicing government, education, healthcare, consumer, and commercial clients.

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FCC Issues Mixed-Bag Amended TCPA Exemptions Order

As previously reported here, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a proposed rule in December 2020 that would place new call-frequency limitations and opt-out requirements on certain prerecorded non-telemarketing calls to residential numbers that can be called without prior consent under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

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Slovin & Associates Donates Resources for Troubled Youth in Need

CINCINNATI, OH -- Slovin & Associates continued their support over the holiday season for a vulnerable and marginalized group of at-risk youth in their community — unhoused or underhoused teenagers. The firm contributed gift cards and hoodies to the Lighthouse Youth & Family Services organization, which were given as Christmas gifts to youth receiving services at the LYFS facility.

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Third Circuit Confirms Collectors Can Rely on Court Records

ARM industry participants tend to be perfectionists because the reality is that they can be held accountable for nearly every mistake, whether intentional or not. Recently, however, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals found a debt collector was not responsible for an error they could not see coming…the Court’s.

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Women in Consumer Finance 2023

11 December 2023 at 08:00 a.m.

Become a part of the industry's most dynamic and influential annual meet-up, where attendees build real friendships and re-energize careers, when you attend Women in Consumer Finance 2023, December 11-13, 2022 in Palm Springs, CA. 

Registration is now open!

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