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Iowa Becomes Sixth State to Enact Comprehensive Consumer Data Privacy Law

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on March 28 signed into law SF 262, making Iowa the sixth state to enact comprehensive consumer data privacy legislation.  The other states are California, Virginia, Colorado, Utah, and Connecticut.  The law will take effect Jan. 1, 2025.

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Develop your leadership skills, build your network, and retain your top performers at Women in Consumer Finance

Women in Consumer Finance (powered by iA) is the industry’s most dynamic and influential annual meet-up. It is the place to be for those looking to build their confidence, make meaningful connections, and supercharge their careers, as well as those who want to support and invest in key female professionals within their organizations. Register yourself or your staff for Women in Consumer Finance - December 11-13 in Palm Springs, CA. 

The lowest prices of the year end April 15. Register now.

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Abrahamsen Gindin LLC Acquires Forster and Garbus LLP

SCRANTON, Pa. -- Abrahamsen Gindin LLC (AG Law), a multi-state creditors’ rights firm headquartered in Scranton, Penn., recently acquired Long Island-based Forster and Garbus LLP.

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Sixth Circuit Affirms Summary Judgment Finding Defendant Not a “Debt Collector” Under the FDCPA Where Account Was Not in Default When Transferred

As discussed here, in August 2020, a district court for the Middle District of Tennessee held that a medical provider’s third-party billing servicer did not qualify as a debt collector under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) because the debt was not in default when it was placed with the extended billing office (EBO). On March 24, 2023, the Sixth Circuit affirmed that decision.

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CRC to DFPI: Drop Personal Liability From Proposal

The Consumer Relations Consortium (CRC) has asked the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI) to remove language from the most recent iteration of its complaints and inquiries regulation to avoid creating personal liability for employees of covered entities. The CRC also suggested that to better serve consumers, the DFPI should allow electronic disclosures without an opt-in.

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Lowering the Bar: CFPB Unveils Its Playbook on Combatting “Abusiveness”

On April 3, 2023, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB” or “Bureau”) published a broad and wide-ranging Policy Statement on Abusiveness  (“Policy Statement”) meant to assist “government enforcers” in identifying and alleging abusive conduct in the marketplace under the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (CFPA), specifically 12 U.S.C. 5531(d). In doing so, the Bureau foreshadows a policy shift on the Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts and Practices (UDAAP) front, likely migrating away from the hallmark “Unfairness” and “Deception” elements of this principle in favor of a more nuanced prong titled “Abusiveness,” which will be easier to trigger.

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New Trends in How the CFPB Gathers Information [Podcast]

Please join Troutman Pepper Partner Chris Willis for a solo episode as he discusses new trends in CFPB information gathering, specifically Dodd-Frank Act Section 1022 found in the rulemaking and market monitoring section of the CFPB’s authority. Here, Chris examines how the CFPB can request and require certain information from market participants, noting the significant increase in recent CFPB Section 1022 requests, while also discussing industry implications of this emerging trend.

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Best Practices for a Strong Debt Sale Strategy

18 May 2023 at 02:00 p.m.

Selling part of your past-due portfolio can be an easy way to increase revenue, especially when originations are down. But it’s not always cut and dry. How do you know your debt sale partner has a spotless reputation? When is the best time to sell? What can you do to increase your portfolio’s value?

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