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CFPB Uses Aged Data in Report on Judgments and Why it's a Big Deal

Turning its sights to collections judgments, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently published a blog post (Blog Post) to highlight its new Working Paper and report (Paper) analyzing collection judgments. The Paper addresses the racial distribution of collection judgments and the effect judgments have on consumers. Citing a suggestion by the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC), the Paper considers how increasing state and federal garnishment protections would affect consumers. It does not, however, discuss the impact a widespread change to garnishment exemptions would have on the overall financial ecosystem.

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[Webinar] Work Smarter Not Harder - Getting the Most Out of Speech Analytics and QA Controls

When used to their full potential, speech analytics and other quality control technology tools help maximize your compliance team's capacity and increase efficiency without adding additional staff. But, many companies aren’t using their tech to its potential.

Don’t waste any more unnecessary time or resources. Join us tomorrow, May 16th at 2 pm ET to find out how to ensure your company is using the right technology and using it to increase productivity during Work Smarter Not Harder - Getting the Most Out of Speech Analytics and QA Controls. Register now.

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Florida State Court of Appeals Holds No Standing to Sue for Receipt of Single Unwanted Text Message

A Florida appellate court recently published a massively important opinion regarding text messages and standing.

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Landmark Strategy Group Demonstrates Commitment to Community Through Support of FeedMore WNY

WEST SENECA, N.Y. -- Landmark Strategy Group, a nationally licensed and bonded receivables management firm, showcases its dedication to community involvement with a generous donation to FeedMore WNY, a nonprofit organization focused on ending hunger in the Western New York region.

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CFPB Publishes Data Point on Positive Impacts of Removing Medical Debt Tradelines

On April 11, 2023, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion announced that they removed unpaid medical collections under $500 from consumer credit reports. The three companies, in July 2022, previously removed paid medical collections from credit reports, and extended the delay in medical collection reporting from sixth months after the first delinquency to one year after the first delinquency. In its Data Point released on April 26, 2023, the CFPB reviewed the impact of the removal of medical collection tradelines based on a sampling of credit reports from 2012-2020 and found that removing medical collection tradelines can significantly improve credit scores and credit availability.

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Toby Parrish Appointed Chief Executive Officer of OTD Americas

TAMPA, Fla. -- OneTouch Direct, a global business process outsourcing company, today announced the appointment of Toby Parrish as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of OTD Americas, its newest company subsidiary. In this role, Toby is responsible for leading all aspects of the company’s operations management, client support, and development to deliver best-in-class performance for high-value brands.

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Washington State Passes New Health Data Privacy Measures

On April 27, the Washington State governor signed HB 1155 to enact the My Health My Data Act—a comprehensive health privacy law that provides broad restrictions on the use of consumer health data. The Act is intended to cover health data not covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

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Best Practices for a Strong Debt Sale Strategy

18 May 2023 at 02:00 p.m.

Selling part of your past-due portfolio can be an easy way to increase revenue, especially when originations are down. But it’s not always cut and dry. How do you know your debt sale partner has a spotless reputation? When is the best time to sell? What can you do to increase your portfolio’s value?

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