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Opting Out of Letters? Not So Fast Says Texas Court

Consumers cannot opt out of receiving mail through the United States Postal Service; at least according to  a Judge in the Eastern District of Texas.  Per the court, a preference to avoid physical mail is outside the scope of the consumer’s right to limit the time and place of communications.

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How Lenders Are Increasing Agent Workload – Without Burnout: Digital Strategies and Agent Stability in Collections  

Despite rising caseloads and communication demands, agent turnover has remained steady in recent years for first-party collections shops. Data from Auriemma Roundtables suggests e-communications and workforce management changes could help explain this decoupling between workload and burnout. In this study, you’ll see how lenders used digital communications and innovative workforce strategies to enhance efficiency and navigate the evolving collections landscape.    

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Tennessee Amends its Consumer Protection Act

On April 23, the Governor of Tennessee signed into law HB 2711 (the “Act”) which amends, among other things, the state’s Consumer Protection Act. In particular, the Act establishes the factors that a court may consider when determining a civil penalty for violation of the Consumer Protection Act. The court may consider (i) the defendant’s participation in the attorney’s general complaint resolution process; (ii) and the defendant’s restitution efforts prior to the action; (iii) whether there was good or bad faith; (iv) injury to the public; (v) one’s ability to pay; (vi) the public’s interest in eliminating the benefits derived by the violator; and (vii) the state’s interest.

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Arizona Court Upholds Debt Collection Act From Industry Challenge

On May 3, the Arizona Court of Appeals affirmed the state superior court’s decision to uphold Arizona’s Predatory Debt Collection Act (the “Act”) after being challenged by judgment creditors.

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insideARM Weekly Recap – Week of May 20th, 2024

The ARM Industry is hard enough to keep up with during a normal week; last week (and with the CFPB in rare form) it was basically a full-time job in and of itself. That is why we on the editorial team at insideARM pride ourselves on finding only the most important news to share with our readers. Last week included two pieces on the CFPB’s recent actions, some tips on implementing AI, and a legislative update out of Minnesota. Read on and catch up on the news from last week and why we think you needed to see it!

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ConServe Cares Program: Rochester Education Foundation

ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- Continental Service Group, LLC d/b/a ConServe, in conjunction with the company’s “Matching Gift Program”, donated its April ConServe Cares proceeds to the Rochester Education Foundation (REF). Since 2005, REF has been working to fulfill their mission of providing programs and resources to improve learning and success for Rochester city students.

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Controversial Minnesota Debt Fairness Act Signed into Law

This February the Minnesota Legislature looked poised to strike a major blow to the debt collection industry with its proposed language for the Minnesota Debt Fairness Act. As we reported, the original bill included a drastic reduction in the statute of limitations for consumer debt and judgments on consumer debt, a prohibition on credit reporting medical debt, and changes to attorney’s fees and garnishments. The final version of the bill (see full text here) is set to become law as it was signed by the Minnesota Governor on May 21, 2024. Thankfully it doesn’t include all of what was originally proposed. Below we will break down the major changes enacted by this bill and when they will go into effect.

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RA Compliance Corner: Internal Controls- When and How to Effectively Use Them

12 June 2024 at 02:00 p.m.

Though they may want to, compliance professionals can’t review every request or monitor everything that goes on in their organization. To effectively safeguard their organizations from risks, compliance professionals must establish a robust internal control system. 

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