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insideARM Weekly Recap- Week of April 29th, 2024

Keeping up with all the goings on in the ARM Industry can feel like a full-time job. That’s why we at insideARM try to bring you the biggest news that we think you should know about each week. Last week’s news included the FTC’s intentions to work with state attorneys general, the CFPB’s General Counsel and his comments on medical debt, and an 11th Circuit case that focuses on credit reporting disputes, reasonable investigations, and the FCRA. Read on for a breakdown of these pieces and why we felt you needed to hear about them.

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Delinquency rates and charge-offs are rising. AI can help. 

As delinquencies and charge-offs rise, offering consumers the option to communicate via their preferred channels - voice, email, chat, and text - is crucial. In this new white paper from, you'll learn:  

  • What industry leaders who have been using Conversational AI are saying  
  • What the latest regulatory updates mean for Conversational AI users  
  • How AI can help you reduce delinquencies and charge-offs and collect faster  
  • The benefits of adopting AI now vs. later  

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NCB Management Services, Inc. Appoints Jonathan Thompson as Chief Legal Officer

TREVOSE, Pa. -- NCB Management Services, Inc. (NCB), a national leader and recognized brand in the Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) and Debt Buying Industry, is pleased to announce the appointment of Jonathan Thompson as NCB’s Chief Legal Officer. Mr. Thompson has held key leadership positions at reputable organizations, where he successfully navigated complex legal challenges and provided strategic guidance to drive business growth.

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Credit Reporting Disputes: 11th Cir Decision Brings Clarity and Uncertainty

In a recent decision, the 11th Circuit drew a line in the sand regarding consumer disputes on credit reporting and the standard for investigating legal disputes.  The line set down is whether the legal dispute is “objectively and readily verifiable.” This line might be wavy at times and blurred at others, but it is a line that may provide some clarity for furnishers.

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General Counsel of the CFPB Delivers Remarks Focusing on Medical Collections and Tenant Screening

In a recent speech at the National Consumer Law Center/National Association of Consumer Advocates Spring Training, Seth Frotman, General Counsel of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau), focused on medical billing and collections and tenant screening and debt, emphasizing the CFPB’s enforcement of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in these areas.

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Phillips & Cohen Associates to Acquire Estate Information Services

WILMINGTON, Del. -- Phillips & Cohen Associates, Ltd. (PCA), the global leader in deceased account management and technology solutions, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Ohio-based Estate Information Services LLC, executing its strategic vision for growth, and increasing scale and capability within the pre and post charge-off Estates collection space in the United States.

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Slovin & Associates Teams Up with ProKids to Support Vulnerable Children

CINCINNATI, OHIO -- Slovin & Associates, a creditors’ rights law firm operating in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana with headquarters in Cincinnati, is pleased to announce its recent donation to ProKids, an organization dedicated to advocating for abused, neglected, and dependent children in the Greater Cincinnati area.

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