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Another 12-Year High for Credit Card Charge-offs and Delinquencies Federal Reserve Releases Q1 Data

Credit card charge-offs and credit card loan delinquencies continue to be at a 12-year high, according to the Federal Reserve’s first-quarter report. There are clues in the FED’s quarterly data indicating future account volume.

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[Webinar] Internal Controls: When and How to Effectively Use Them  

Implementing robust Internal Controls doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Join us on June 12 at 2PM ET for RA Compliance Corner: Internal Controls- When and How to Effectively Use Them, where we'll equip companies of all sizes with the fundamental knowledge needed to construct robust controls. By establishing proactive measures to identify risks, compliance professionals can strategically allocate their efforts towards addressing the most critical areas impacting their businesses. Register Now. 


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Latitude by Genesys Provides Crucial Support for Dogs Inc

MENLO PARK, Calif -- Latitude by Genesys announced a significant donation to Dogs Inc (formerly Southeastern Guide Dogs Inc), reinforcing their commitment to supporting organizations that provide essential services to those in need. The contribution comes at a crucial time when the demand for guide dogs and related services is on the rise, highlighting the importance of collective support from the community.

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insideARM Weekly Recap – Week of May 27th, 2024

A short week was still not short on news affecting debt collection! In our efforts to bring you the information you need to see, we found the most important pieces of news from around the industry. Last week this came in the form of state law updates from Tennessee and Arizona, as well as a recent court case out of Texas. Keep on reading for highlights of what you need to know and why our editorial team thinks you need to know it!

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Generative AI Is More Powerful Than We Realize

With the recent launch of OpenAI’s “omni” model, we are now deep in the era of Generative AI. The capabilities of artificial intelligence have been greatly expanded, with large language models performing a variety of complex tasks such as code writing, art creation, quality assurance, and even fraud detection. As society adapts to these changes, the collections industry must also embrace Generative AI and explore its vast potential to solve common challenges.

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Opting Out of Letters? Not So Fast Says Texas Court

Consumers cannot opt out of receiving mail through the United States Postal Service; at least according to  a Judge in the Eastern District of Texas.  Per the court, a preference to avoid physical mail is outside the scope of the consumer’s right to limit the time and place of communications.

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Tennessee Amends its Consumer Protection Act

On April 23, the Governor of Tennessee signed into law HB 2711 (the “Act”) which amends, among other things, the state’s Consumer Protection Act. In particular, the Act establishes the factors that a court may consider when determining a civil penalty for violation of the Consumer Protection Act. The court may consider (i) the defendant’s participation in the attorney’s general complaint resolution process; (ii) and the defendant’s restitution efforts prior to the action; (iii) whether there was good or bad faith; (iv) injury to the public; (v) one’s ability to pay; (vi) the public’s interest in eliminating the benefits derived by the violator; and (vii) the state’s interest.

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ARM Tech Trends: Addressing Common Customer Queries

Adopting new technology can be valuable for organizations but keeping up with the advancements, and the benefits they can offer, is a challenge. In this new eBook, Finvi provides insight into the current tech trends in the ARM industry, like AI, and answers the most common questions they hear from customers. Armed with these answers, ARM executives and leaders can apply them to the specific issues facing their organizations today, better understand how best to take advantage of them, and position themselves for success in the future. Download now to learn more.