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States Urge Supreme Court to Find CFPB Funding Unconstitutional

On July 10, the West Virginia attorney general, along with 26 other states, filed an amicus brief in support of respondents in Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America, arguing that the CFPB’s funding structure violates the Constitution and that by operating outside the ordinary appropriations process states are often left “out in the cold.” In their brief, the states urged the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s decision in which it found that the Bureau’s “perpetual self-directed, double-insulated funding structure” violated the Constitution’s Appropriations Clause.

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It’s time to consider a new kind of collections strategy. 

Collecting debt in today’s economic environment means meeting your borrowers where they are by preventing charge-offs, enhancing customer satisfaction, and driving long-term retention. Learn how data empowers lenders to do all of that and more. 

Download your guide to a new kind of collections strategy here.


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Navigate the New TCPA

Phone calls and text messages are the most effective ways to reach consumers in the debt collection world. Unsurprisingly, they are also the most heavily regulated modes of communication. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently made significant changes to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) for calls and texts, and those changes have made it even more difficult for collectors to reach consumers about their past-due debt.

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Vertican Technologies Announces Corporate Rebranding and Newly Designed Website Coming Soon

FAIRFIELD, N.J. -- Vertican Technologies, a global leader in the legal collections software industry, is excited to announce its corporate rebranding and the launch of its newly designed website, set to go live in the coming months.

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County of Santa Clara Launches CSS IMPACT! Financial Cloud for its California Public Assistance Platform.

SAN JOSE, Calif -- The County of Santa Clara in California has officially launched the implementation of their new Cloud Collections Financial Ecosystem, “CSS IMPACT! HD™ 2.0” for its California Public Assistance Program called “Statewide Automated Welfare System” or “CALSAWS”.  CSS, Inc., a leader in innovation that continuously pioneers advanced solutions, is the exclusive provider of enterprise-grade financial ecosystems and omnichannel contact engagement solutions that cater to all verticals of the financial industry.

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Indiana Appellate Court Reverses Summary Judgment in FDCPA Case Involving Bona Fide Error Defense

In a matter involving the bona fide error defense to claims asserted under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA), an Indiana court of appeals reversed a trial court’s order granting summary judgment in favor of the defendant debt collector holding that the defense did not apply because the mistake at issue was not of fact but of law.

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Bill Gosling Outsourcing Takes Occupancy in New Barrie Headquarters.

BARRIE, Canada -- Dave Rae, CEO of Bill Gosling Outsourcing, is very excited to bring the planning and design to fruition for their new site in downtown Barrie, after a 20-year journey in Newmarket, Ontario.

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Success Stories from Early Adopters of Voice AI's Voicebots dial thousands of collection calls within minutes and achieve 100% account penetration. Learn how collection agencies such as Creditor's Discount and Audit Company (CDA) and American Finance L.L.C. benefited from this AI solution in their collections approach.

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