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Ninth Circuit Confirms Discrete Actions in Debt Collection Litigation can Trigger FDCPA One-Year Statute of Limitations

A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit recently held that because of the timing of a filing in a collection action against a student loan borrower, his claim that debt collectors violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) was not time-barred, reversing the lower court’s dismissal.

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Reach the right person the first time. 

The first step to a good customer experience? Getting in contact with the right customer. It’s increasingly difficult to make a right-party contact in collections. That’s why collectors are engaging with technology vendors for solutions that leverage phone behavior intelligence and insights to help them reach the right customers on the first try. This whitepaper, presented by TransUnion, breaks down the tools and technologies collectors are using to reach the right person at the right time.

Download the whitepaper now.

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VeriFacts Supports Local Businesses & Baseball, Raises Funds for Military Care Packages

STERLING, Ill. -- VeriFacts, a leading data provider for the financial services industry, showed their support for their local Sauk Valley, Illinois community as well as active duty military this July. The team distributed Minor League Baseball tickets to the community at no cost to attend a baseball game themed around local Sauk Valley area businesses, thereby supporting local baseball and local businesses at once. The event was a hit, providing not just support for the community but also a team-building outing for VeriFacts employees and their families.

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Kentucky Federal Court Holds Furnishing Data to Consumer Reporting Agency Does Not Subject Furnisher to Personal Jurisdiction in Consumer’s Home State

A United States district court in Kentucky recently granted defendants’ motion to dismiss a case arising under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) for lack of personal jurisdiction.

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7th Cir. Holds Hiring Attorney, Paying Appearance Fee, Emotional Distress Not Enough for Article III Standing

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit recently affirmed the dismissal of a debtor’s federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act lawsuit for lack of Article III standing. In so ruling, the Seventh Circuit held that the debtor’s hiring an attorney and paying an appearance fee, as well as alleged confusion, lost sleep, and emotional distress, were not sufficient to meet the requirements of standing.

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Between Hitting “Send” and Reaching the Inbox: The (Hidden) Anatomy of Email

When it comes to reaching consumers, it’s no secret that email has surpassed phone calls as the preferred method of communication. In fact, 59.5% of consumers prefer email as their first choice for communication.

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CFPB Announces Plans to Propose Rule Regulating Data Brokers Under the FCRA

In remarks delivered on August 15, 2023 at a roundtable convened by the White House on protecting Americans from harmful data broker practices, CFPB Director Chopra announced that the CFPB plans to propose a rule under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to address the practices of data brokers.  In connection with Director Chopra’s announcement, the CFPB issued FAQs about its rulemaking plans.  Both Director Chopra’s remarks and the FAQs highlight the use of data collected by data brokers to feed artificial intelligence used to make decisions about consumers.

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How to Apply Strategic Discipline to Your Collections Strategy

20 September 2023 at 02:00 p.m.

Calls. Texts. Letters. Conversational AI. Time. Channel. Preference.

It’s tempting to throw any combination of approaches to collections strategy together to see what sticks. But if you’re not disciplined in your organization’s approach, you’re leaving money on the table.

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