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Case Central Dispute Management Demo

With its all-in-one portal and integrations to each customer’s unique set of financial systems, Case Central™ maximizes efficiency for reasonable credit report dispute investigation practices and drives value with workflow automation and intelligent analytics. Learn more in this ne.w demo brought to you by Bridgeforce & PMG.

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Whitepaper cover text Seven "Must-Have" Collection Capabilities for 2023 and Why [Image by creator  from ]  

Seven “MUST-HAVE” Collection Software Capabilities for 2023

In this new whitepaper from Telrock Systems, find out which “MUST-HAVE” collection software capabilities represent the new “table stakes” for organizations wanting to more effectively, efficiently, and compliantly perform collections.

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Text Charting the Course and Steering Toward Success: The Collections Industry in 2022 Prepared by Aite Novartica November 2022 [Image by creator  from ]  

Charting the Course and Steering Toward Success: The Collections Industry in 2022

In this new, in-depth market report from TransUnion, prepared in collaboration with research firm Aite-Novarica Group, you'll find insights into ​the ​​t​rends, challenges and innovations reshaping third-party collections. ​Learn more about what’s currently going on in the industry, where we go from here — and how you can best position your organization for the future.

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Graphic cover with text 2022 Understanding the Modern Consumer Survey Results with TCN logo and graphic of laptop, stars, clouds, email symbol. [Image by creator  from ]  

2022 Survey Report: Explore and Understand the Modern Consumer’s Expectations

In this new ebook from TCN, you'll find everything you need to know about your customers' expectations, including their biggest fears when calling customer service, how long they typically wait on hold, how likely it is that they will leave a review, and how their experiences affect your business.

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Graphic of video title Working Smarter Not Harder - Reduce Effort, Uphold Compliance, and Increase Revenue [Image by creator  from ]  

How Credit Service Company Used Business Intelligence to Increase Revenue without Increasing Effort

In this new 5-minute video case study from Intelitech Group, find out how Credit Service Company was able to reduce effort, uphold compliance, and increase revenue by incorporating collection analytics and improved account scoring into their workflow.

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