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The New Reality of Collections Staffing

Despite rising caseloads and communication demands, agent turnover has remained steady in recent years for first-party collections shops. Data from Auriemma Roundtables suggests e-communications and workforce management changes could help explain this decoupling between workload and burnout. In this study, you’ll see how lenders used digital communications and innovative workforce strategies to enhance efficiency and navigate the evolving collections landscape.  

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Report cover reads One Conversation Multiple Channels AI-powered Multichannel Outreach from Skit.ai [Image by creator  from ]  

Delinquency rates and charge-offs are rising. AI can help.

As delinquencies and charge-offs rise, offering consumers the option to communicate via their preferred channels - voice, email, chat, and text - is crucial. Implementing an AI-powered Multichannel approach can help. In this new white paper from Skit.ai, you'll learn:

  • What industry leaders who have been using Conversational AI are saying
  • What the latest regulatory updates mean for Conversational AI users
  • How AI can help you reduce delinquencies and charge-offs and collect faster
  • The benefits of adopting AI now vs. Later

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Webinar graphic reads Help Wanted: Predictive, Collaborative and Intelligent Contact Data April 25 at 3pm et by TransUnion [Image by creator  from ]  

Predictive, Collaborative, and Intelligent Contact Data

A precision data strategy can help your organization overcome consumer contact challenges using data you already have on hand. Watch this 60 minute webinar to gain insight into real results seen by organizations utilizing phone and email intelligence. The panelists discuss:

  • the evolution of digital collections,
  • how phone and email intelligence can help your organization,
  • what's on the regulatory horizon, and
  • how you can find out the quality of your data and use it to your advantage.

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Optimizing your recovery strategy with Collections Triggers℠

Uncertain economic times and a higher volume of delinquencies has made managing your collection portfolio increasingly challenging. Implementing the right tools is critical. In their recent analytics study, Experian explores how Collections Triggers℠ works and how debt collectors effectively leverage them to prioritize accounts and increase recovery rates.  

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Report cover reads Bad Debt Rising New ebook Finvi [Image by creator  from ]  

Bad Debt is Rising

U.S. consumers are struggling with debt incurred during the pandemic, leaving a brewing storm of bad debt and delinquencies looming on the horizon. In this new eBook from Finvi, you’ll discover the economic factors leading to rising debt, and how technology can help your organization handle the increase as well as make your strategies more effective. 

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