Editor's note: This podcast episode is provided through an exclusive industry partnership between insideARM and Clark Hill, PLCPodcast host Joann Needleman, a leading financial services attorney and member of the iA Legal Advisory Board, provides bite-sized hot topics in the consumer finance space. ClarkHIll content—and all insideARM articles—are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. 


Show Notes: Sheila Monroe, CEO of TrueAccord Corp, stops by the next episode of Clark Hill’s Credit Eco To Go to talk about the credit ecosystem from the consumer perspective. TrueAccord has been a disrupter in the accounts receivable management industry. Instead of viewing consumers as individual debtors, their approach has been to guide consumers through the life cycle in part by tailoring technology to customize outcomes as well as to build goodwill so consumers will ultimately succeed financially beyond the payment of a debt. 

DISCLAIMER – No information contained in this Podcast or on this Website shall constitute financial, investment, legal and/or other professional advice and that no professional relationship of any kind is created between you and podcast host, the guests, or Clark Hill PLC, or insideARM. You are urged to speak with your financial, investment, or legal advisors before making any investment or legal decisions.


Funk Game Loop by Kevin MacLeodLink: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3787-funk-game-loopLicense: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Next Article: Sequium Asset Solutions, LLC appoints Shaun Ertischek ...
