Photo of Tim Bauer [Image by creator  from ]

Tim Bauer

CEO at DCM Services

DCM Services

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Posts Authored

House Financial Services Committee Chairman to Unveil Details on Plan to Replace Dodd-Frank

Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals Determines that a “Debt Collector” filing a Bankruptcy Court Proof of Claim on a Time-Barred Account is an FDCPA Violation

State Court Opinion in TCPA Class Action Lawsuit Takes TCPA to Task; And Includes Interesting Insurance Sub-plot

New Georgia Wage Garnishment Law Takes Effect

Democrats and Republicans Find Common Ground – Ask Court to Declare the TCPA Unconstitutional

Senate Committee to hold Hearing to Examine Effects of 25-Year-Old TCPA on Modern Consumers and Businesses

U.S. District Court in New York Grants Debt Collector Motion to Certify Important FDCPA Issue for Interlocutory Appeal

Referee indicating timeout [Image by creator sixdays from AdobeStock]

Court Finds Settlement Offers on Time-barred Debts Without Disclosure of the Fact That the Debt is Time-Barred to be FDCPA Violation

Encore Capital Group Announces First Quarter 2016 Financial Results

PRA Group Reports Q12016 Results; Revenue, Income Fall Compared to Same Period in 2015

FCC Releases Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Government Debt Collection Calls

Another Court Finds a 1099(c) Disclosure May Be False, Deceptive or Misleading

Performant Financial Corporation Announces Financial Results for First Quarter

 [Image by creator James Steidl from AdobeStock]

CFPB Publishes Proposed Arbitration Rule; Coins a New Phrase

Photo of courthouse building with "judicial" written on it [Image by creator Natalia Bratslavsky from AdobeStock]

US District Court in Illinois Finds Disclosure of Potential Tax Consequences for Settling an Account is Misleading to Consumer

New ProPublica Article Criticizes Debt Collection Litigation on Medical Accounts; Paints One Firm as Outlier

 [Image by creator iQoncept from AdobeStock]

Portfolio Recovery Associates to Pay $18 Million to Settle TCPA Class Action

 [Image by creator iQoncept from AdobeStock]

CFPB Announces Consent Orders Against Law Firm and Debt Buyer

Bank of America Agrees to Pay $1Million to Settle TCPA Lawsuit

Summary Judgment Granted Against Dallas Debt Collector for Bad Behavior