RevQ, a software and consulting company providing technology for revenue recovery to the government sector, today announced the release of Revenue Results 4.2. The latest version of its debt collection software engineered specifically for courts, taxation and other government entities offers new features and enhancements for effective revenue collections.

Revenue Results 4.2 offers the following new features:

  • Victim Restitution Module: Allows for the creation of Victims for association to a Debtor’s Account(s) and provides a framework for allocation and distribution of Debtor payment to the Victim(s).
  • New skip tracing enhancements: Provides direct link from Revenue Results to Accurint and MasterFiles websites for immediate access to their skip tracing information.
  • Enhanced Revenue Results implementation technology: Providing users with fast and easy upgrade methodology.
  • Expansion of Receipt Printing, Electronic Import Matching and Event Scheduler functionalities with a more robust license tracking tool.

“We continue to expand and augment  Revenue Results to help our clients keep one step ahead of the industry, and enable them to easily adapt and operate under constant regulation changes,” said Bruce Randall, president, RevQ. 

Revenue Results is designed to automate the many manual tasks in the debt collection lifecycle and to increase productivity on tracking, management and follow-up of debtors.  Revenue Results is available as a standalone installation or as a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. The software offers government users the ability to streamline account entry, due diligence tracking of accounts, matching like debtors, automated correspondence, payment plan setup, work list capability, graphical reporting and more.

RevQ, Inc. is part of the Columbia Ultimate family of companies.

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