Salt Lake City, UT ? IAT (formerly Information Access Technology, Inc.), a leading provider of communications solutions for the collection industry and related markets, announced today their capability to seamlessly integrate with the CXM recording platform from Co-nexus, Inc. The integration of CXM to IAT’s CT Center communication platform empowers collection organizations with a comprehensive suite of recording products for compliance, quality monitoring and agent training.

The integration to Co-nexus CXM enables IAT clients with the CT Center Predictive Dialer to enhance collection efforts by using technology typically reserved for traditional call centers. Three collection organizations have tested and are currently integrating Co-nexus capabilities with their CT Center Dialer. Co-nexus CXM enables them to:

  • Record dialer and PBX/office calls on-demand,
  • Evaluate, coach, test, and report agent performance,
  • Record collector PC activity while they navigate the collection software,
  • Permanently archive each recorded call by associated phone number,
  • Look up/search archived recordings by a variety of user-designated criteria,
  • And much more.

David Rudd, IAT President and CEO, said, “IAT is extremely excited about the added benefits that integration with the CXM recording platform will bring to our clients. The IAT/CXM integration provides a key benefit that no dialer with imbedded call recording provides?the ability to record all applicable calls, not just dialer calls. Customers currently using CXM will gain added benefits such as call logging by phone number and indexing of dialer calls by designated fields for easier look-up. Co-nexus is an excellent organization, an industry leader and a valuable addition to the group of IAT partners.”

Adding IAT CT Center Predictive Dialer integration to the CXM recording product line enables Co-nexus to effectively provide comprehensive communication services to the collections industry. “IAT is a leading provider of predictive dialing solutions for the collections industry. Co-nexus has committed vast marketing resource to gaining a foothold in the collections industry, and our integration with IAT gives us an excellent start,” said Brian Daily, Co-nexus, Inc. VP of Marketing.

For more detailed information regarding the integration of CT Center and Co-nexus CXM, contact IAT at (800) 574-8801.

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