Bethesda, MD – Kaulkin Ginsberg Company, the leading provider of M&A, strategic advice, research and information for the Accounts Receivable Management industry, announced that the 6th Edition of the Kaulkin Report will be published in early April. The publication explains how the industry generated $15 billion in annual revenues during 2004.

?The sixth edition of the Kaulkin Report reviews an industry that is large, diverse, sophisticated and poised for continued growth,? said Mike Ginsberg, President and CEO of Kaulkin Ginsberg. ?With the proliferation of credit and the expansion of debt among all groups of borrowers, the ARM industry continues to be a meaningful and growing part of the U.S. economy.?

The publication, subtitled ?Accounts Receivable Management: A Growth Industry,? describes:

  • Size and growth of the contingency, debt buying, first party and legal collection markets
  • Trends in debt levels, offshoring, technology vendors, mergers and acquisitions
  • Overview of the industry?s legal and regulatory framework, including related enforcements and lawsuits
  • Record amounts of personal, business and government debt held in the U.S.
  • Cost savings that have been realized by large U.S. collections agencies
  • Record volume of mergers and acquisitions in the industry
  • Forecasted trends in pricing, consolidation, globalization and competition

Over the years, the Kaulkin Report has become an industry tradition, cited in the public filings of leading corporations, in the pages of the Wall Street Journal and in many documents supporting private transactions in the industry. This edition will be a vital resource to executives seeking market research, as well as private equity investors and strategic acquirers seeking definitive information about the industry. Custom research services on the industry are also available from Kaulkin Ginsberg?s Research Group.

An executive summary covering the report?s major findings will be available on in early April. For more information about the Kaulkin Report or custom research on the accounts receivable management industry, contact Mike Ginsberg, President and CEO of Kaulkin Ginsberg, at 301-907-0840.

About Kaulkin Ginsberg Company
Since 1989, Kaulkin Ginsberg has provided solutions to accounts receivable management and other business services industries. Through our SAGE program (Strategic Analysis, Growth and Exit), we work with owners and executives in their efforts to grow or exit their business. Services include merger, acquisition and valuation advice, growth and operational consulting as well as training and executive search services. Kaulkin Ginsberg?s Research Group provides custom research projects, benchmarking studies and specialized research reports designed for industry professionals and others seeking insightful and often unavailable industry information.

Kaulkin Media publishes™ and Credit & Collection Daily™, and is the most popular source of industry information. Kaulkin Partners, our sales and marketing group, is the leading source of cutting edge technology for creditors and collectors. Kaulkin Information Systems creates secure and affordable document imaging and retrieval technology for credit grantors, agencies and debt buying companies. Read more about Kaulkin Ginsberg at

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