The centerpiece of ReliaBid’s new multi-platform service suite, the Integrated Collections Portal (ICP), was launched Monday and is already drawing glowing reviews from the company’s customer base.

The ICP is a stand-alone application which provides clients and partners with access to comprehensive debt collection and receivables management services through the company’s new servicing partner, General Outsourcing Services. It has been fully integrated within the existing ReliaBid platform and is configured to support API-driven access for partnership-based transactions that originate from other e-commerce and online auction websites.

"The launch of the ICP sends a strong signal to our clients and partners that ReliaBid is committed to staying ahead of the curve and delivering cutting-edge solutions to help eradicate the problem of non-paying bidders from the online auctions space," remarked Jonathan Rosen, ReliaBid’s Chief Executive Officer.

ICP was developed to serve the dual-function of enhancing the receivables management process for existing customers, as well as responding to partner-driven requests for making the ReliaBid service scalable to their platforms. The system is entirely web-based, and affords partners the opportunity for direct integration into their online payment solutions.

"The ICP application reaffirms our company’s continued dedication to building upon its success within the eBay marketplace," added Mohamed Ismail, President of ReliaBid. "We now have the capacity to scale out our solution to additional vendors, auction venues and e-commerce sites. You’ll be seeing independent platforms that are fully secured by ReliaBid in the coming months."

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