The Medical-Dental-Hospital Business Associates (MDHBA) announced last week that it will host its 68th Annual Meeting Oct. 17-19 at The Garden of the Gods Club in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The event features programming tailored for the healthcare accounts receivable industry. Presentations include “Trends in Healthcare Receivables Management” by Paul Legrady, director, Kaulkin Ginsberg, and “The State of the Debt Collection Industry” by Mike Shoop, president, ACA International and owner of Professional Finance Co. Inc.

This year’s keynote presentation will be delivered by Sheila Paxton, president, ami group. She will deliver “Delight Your Customers and Keep Them for Life”. The program offers a seven-part formula for ensuring that everyone in your organization is committed to exceptional service and knows how to build lasting customer relationships.

MDHBA’s annual gathering is designed to benefit agencies and businesses that provide economic and related professional services to the healthcare industry. Other topics being addressed include: MDHBA certification, marketing your agency, and a legal presentation on cases and claims. The event features networking opportunities, vendor presentations and exhibits. If you would like to receive more information, please contact MDHBA at 630.941.8100, or visit the organization on the Web at

Medical-Dental-Hospital Business Associates is a nation-wide network of independent businesses that provide accounts receivable management services and products to the healthcare industry.

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