The Science of ARM Marketing

So, you want more sales leads. But how do you get started? We’ve put together this crash course in online marketing so you can get more leads and protect your company’s good name. Want more? Check out the ARM Marketing Guide.

Remember back when Google Plus was released, I wrote a blog titled 5 Things Small Businesses Must Know About Google Plus?

One of my main points was that “The +1 button will probably directly impact SEO – but we’re not yet exactly sure how.” Well, we do know. And the impact is massive. Google has upped the ante on social media by adding Plus as a layer over its search engine. This means if you search for a term while signed into Google, it will not just deliver results – you will see suggested results based upon the people in your Google Plus circles, as well as suggestions on people/businesses to add to your circles.

How does this affect ARM firms?

The main benefit of SEO for ARM firms is that you can effectively fill up search result listings with your own “stuff” – pages that you control in terms of content. This keeps your brand reputation secure and allows you to drive search users to your marketing for lead capture. With the changes Google has made with Search plus Your World, you can now get your content “suggested” to users so that they can discover your company.

ARM marketing and Google Plus

Check out Google's introduction to Google Search, plus Your World.

How users find you with plus Your World

Your content can appear as suggested People or Pages to follow in search results. What’s the difference? Pages are always organizations, not individuals. If you’re just starting out, you should concentrate on Pages for now.

Once you get rolling, then you can start to think about individuals in your organization who can support the main Page. For now, let’s just concentrate on Pages.

How do you get suggested as a search result?

In order for your company to appear, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Create a Google Plus account if you don’t already have one.
  2. Work on your profile and make it as informative and detailed as possible.
  3. Consistently post useful content relevant to the keywords that you want to target.

For ideas, check out the insideARM Google Plus page – and make sure you add us to your circles.

Content Strategy is more important then ever!

Now when someone searches a term related to your services or even your company name, your page can show up in their personal results. It’s more critical than ever for ARM firms to think about their marketing in terms of a content strategy. If your company can create relevant, fresh content on a consistent basis, you gain an incredible advantage over the competition.

Thanks to Google Search, plus Your World, you’re no longer just speaking to an audience that already knows you. Now you can get your marketing content in front of new potential clients with very little effort.

For more details on Search, plus Your World, check out the official Google Inside Search page.

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