Steve Case’s Revolution Health Group today unveiled "preview" editions of its first two new products:, a free online service which will help families take action to manage their health care and achieve their healthy living goals; and Revolution Health(TM) membership, which gives members access to premium health services now only enjoyed by a few.

Case founded Revolution Health Group just over a year ago, in partnership with Colin Powell, Jim Barksdale, Carly Fiorina, Frank Raines, Miles Gilburne, Steve Wiggins and other co-investors. The company seeks to achieve a revolution in health care by empowering people to have more control and more choices in their health care lives. Using the Best of the Web to Improve Your Health

While ( remains under development — with new functions and tools being added daily during the "preview" period — the free online service opened today for public use.

" is not just another health site — we are working to build the online destination where you can ‘take action’ to improve your health or your family’s health. It’s time to use the power of the Internet to reform health care with a ‘people-powered’ approach to health — giving parents, patients, and caregivers all the tools they need to manage their health care needs and live healthier lives," said Case. offers more than 125 free tools and online services that help people live healthier — from losing weight to determining what an ailment might be to tracking one’s overall health progress. Three unique services, however, distinguish RevolutionHealth:

  • Revolution Health Centers: The Best Health Info on the Web, As Rated by You: Revolution Health Centers address the challenge created by the proliferation of Internet-based health content. With so much out there, where can people turn, and who can they trust? Revolution Health Centers answer these questions, as they are anchored by the best content from the most trusted brands, augmented by its People-Powered Health(TM) approach to health information: every article in the Centers can be rated by users, with new information and links added by community members. Revolution Health Centers contain content from the, Cleveland Clinic and Harvard. Revolution Health is the only other health site to offer’s unique "Symptom Checker." But whether content comes from Revolution Health, a trusted expert, a patient’s own blog — or even another health web site — the very best, as rated by users will be available for all to see." Other health sites typically focus on telling you what they think you should do," said John Pleasants, CEO of Revolution Health Group. "We have the very best expert content available on the Web — but we also believe that the online community brings its own experiences and insights to health care. Combining the best expert advice with the best advice from other patients and families is what is all about."
  • Revolution Ratings: By the People, For the People: Revolution Ratings(TM) services give people looking for doctors and hospitals free access to information presently available through subscription services. And it marries this data with a new system of "patient ratings" — giving patients a chance to rate their experience with their providers and treatments, and provides consumers access to those ratings. "It makes no sense that we have consumer ratings to help us pick movies, restaurants and hotels, but no comparable tools to help evaluate doctors, hospitals and treatments," said Case. "Revolution Ratings features aim to change that."
  • Revolution Circles: Bringing Health into the Web 2.0 Era: Revolution Circles(TM) features bring the concepts of social networking and Web 2.0 to health by providing community tools that enable patients and caregivers to connect with others who have similar challenges and interests, share ideas and help each other. "Tens of millions of people have joined social networking sites like MySpace — but there hasn’t been a health-oriented service that has resonated with people in the same way. We expect to change that with Revolution Circles," said Case. Revolution Circles communities will allow patients and caregivers to easily share ideas and learn from one another, both as they combat complex illnesses and as they look for ways to stay healthy — to lose weight, eat better or exercise more. Revolution Circles are designed both for those familiar with social networking and for those (especially in the Baby Boom generation) who have never used such tools before.

Revolution Health Membership: Concierge Services Now for All Consumers

Revolution Health is also launching a "preview edition" of its Membership — an offering for those who want individualized help with their health care questions and needs. Members get access to a growing list of services, previously available only to the few who knew how and where to get this kind of help — and willing to pay the price. Consumers can obtain their membership at the website, where the initial services available during this preview period include:

  • Answers to Health Questions: Members can call and get personal, over-the-phone answers to health questions from a nurse or other health expert. These professionals will help members by explaining a doctor’s diagnosis or recommendations, or by explaining treatment options that doctors may have suggested to their patients.
  • Help in Dealing with Insurance: Members can call a trained insurance expert who will work directly with their insurance carriers to make sure the member gets the full reimbursement they are entitled to under their coverage plan. Whether it is resolving a claim issue, or understanding one’s benefits before using them, members can call and get the help they need.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Members can call and get information over-the-phone on finding a doctor or hospital in their area — and get help in scheduling appointments to see those health care professionals.

In addition to these core membership benefits, as part of the preview offering, Revolution Health Members will receive three additional

Revolution Health premium services, free of charge:

  • Medical Expense Software: Members can download the Revolution Health Expense Manager, a state-of-the-art medical expense management software.
  • Conversion of Paper Medical Records to Digital Storage: Members can use a secure "fax-and-store" service to convert their paper medical records into an online format that they can access remotely from any computer, anytime.
  • Sophisticated Health Risk Testing: And by April, members will receive a "Know Your Number" health assessment, which converts blood test results into a personalized risk assessment and actionable recommendations.

While Revolution Health Membership usually requires payment of an annual fee, Revolution Health announced today that consumers who participate in the preview of and help build up the site by rating a doctor, hospital or treatment, will have their membership dues waived for this year.

"We recognize that health care is complex and while a lot can be done to empower consumers via the Internet as we’re doing with, there are times when you just need somebody to talk to, who will be on your side and help you navigate the complexities of the health care system — and that’s why we created this unique membership program," Case said. "And to thank the pioneers who join us during this preview period and help us build, we’re pleased to waive the membership fee during 2007, so they can also take advantage of these great membership services."

Other Revolution Health Products and Services

The two services being launched today by Revolution Health are part of an array of offerings that the company will be bringing forward in 2007. They include the Revolution Health insurance advisor tool — a state-of-the-art way to compare individual health insurance plans; Revolution Rewards(TM), a points system that gives "frequent flier" style rewards for healthy living behaviors; the Revolution Health Store, an e-commerce site; and Revolution Lifestyle(TM) services, providing personal coaching for patients facing health challenges from pregnancy to diabetes. And Revolution Health’s RediClinic affiliate will open 70 more retail stores in 2007, bringing the size of its national network to more than 100 clinics. RediClinic centers are located inside major retail and drug stores, and provide affordable and quick health services, such as $59 visits for potential ear infections and $15 flu shots.

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