Net Gain Marketing, Inc. (NGM) just last week asked users what they like about the website and how it helps them know the past, present, and future of just about every significant government purchasing event across the United States.  The response was unanimous: users love the site and how it has helped them grow in the public sector.

The request for commentary from users was made so that results could be used in tandem with a new, free promotion also announced today, one (unofficially) linked to the recent publication of Local, State, and Federal Government Debt Collection Report: An Industry Primer from  Through December, the first month of is free to any company that purchases the insideARM report and signs up for access to the website prior January 1, 2012.  To take advantage of this promotion, visit and click on “Contact Us” and mention this press release in your inquiry.  Only upon presentment of a proof of purchase of the insideARM report will you be granted access to the site, free of charge for one month with your subscription, as a part of this limited-time promotion.

Here’s what ten government contractors had to say about

1. Chief Operating Officer, Federal Government Contractor: “ is an incredible asset to any organization with an eye towards government collection opportunities. The amount of meaningful, and more importantly, actionable information at your fingertips is tremendous.”

2. President, Regional Government Contractor: “ has proven to be the most effective tool we use in our sales effort.  Many products can simply tell you what contracts are out for bid or will be out for bid.  Only provides the information that allows us to approach the bid process completely informed.  The amount of information provided is unequaled by any other vendor in this field.  I consider to be the best value of any of the tools we use, not just in our sales division, but our entire list of vendors. In short, gives users a distinct advantage over those who are operating without it.”

3. President, Federal, State & Local Government Contractor: “ is like have a government collections expert in your back pocket.”

4. President, Business Development, Nationwide Government Contractor: “With we get immediate notice and comprehensive information on government bid opportunities. It is also a great tool for gathering historical bid information which can prove very valuable in preparing your bid response. Additionally, the standard questions asked are always helpful and saves time for agencies and the client.”

5. Director of New Business and Product Development, Higher Education Government Contractor: “As someone solely focused on higher education, I love having access to only those contracts that have a higher education component.  The ability to see what’s coming out for bid next year enables me to target decision makers in advance, and other tools on the site let me predict even what my competition may charge for a contract I am bidding on.  It’s the best!”

6. Contracts Coordinator, Nationwide Government Contractor: “I’ve been waiting a long time for a resource such as! We’ve used others similar to in the past but they just don’t compare to the valuable information that provides and the enormous amount of time this tool has saved us in the submission of bids.”

7. Chief Technology Officer, Regional Government Contractor: “ gives [us] a competitive advantage with market knowledge and bidding insight that we could not come close to putting together by tapping a multitude of separate resources previously. Not only do we use it for pre-bid preparation, but we use it as much, if not more, for post-bid analysis. It has accelerated and streamlined our proposal sales process to the point where we can pinpoint only the bids we want to go after and no longer use the shotgun approach to bidding on everything. has made the sea of RFPs much more manageable and easier for [us] to target bids that have the highest potential for success.

8. Director of Client Development, Nationwide Government Contractor: “ is a great tool to stay on top of all the public/government contracts coming out.  I use MyGovWatch to access comparative contracts to see what the market has priced similar contracts at.  I also like the narrative about what believes vendors need to focus on in responding to the RFP.  The Freedom of Information Act process does … makes my job easier knowing that once the information is available, it will be in one repository for me to access and evaluate the winning proposals.”

9. Vice President, Regional Government Contractor: “We’ve been using for less than a year and are already seeing results.  Even though our network of resources is significant when it comes to hearing about a contract up for bid, we still consider MyGovWatch as a key tool in our toolbox. We have found the additional information they provide helps us when preparing our responses to RFPs and when setting a competitive rate.”

10. Sales & Marketing Administrator, Regional Government Contractor: “ saves us an unbelievable amount of time by gathering, sorting, and organizing all the information we need to keep track of government contracting opportunities.  Email alerts for new opportunities or updates to RFPS or Bids we are participating in keeps us informed without taking time away from our internal staff.”

To learn more about, visit the site.  This promotion ends on December 31, 2011.

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