RecoverCorp Inc. announced today, that for the second consecutive year it has been ranked on PROFIT magazine’s listing of Canada’s top emerging growth companies, the PROFIT HOT 50.

“The PROFIT HOT 50 recognizes entrepreneurial ambition and managerial excellence in Canada,” says editor Ian Portsmouth. “These companies have succeeded by meeting emerging market needs, creating better ways to do business and never hesitating to expand beyond our borders.”

“It’s a great honour to make the HOT 50 two years in row. We attribute our sustained growth to the commitment and dedication of each member of our organization,” says President and CEO, Charles Miller.

“We have always competed successfully against more established organizations and the key differentiator has been and will continue to be, service. The proof of this is our No. 1 ranking with ALL of our clients that use us in a competitive environment,” asserts Miller who also says, “results are key but it is our job to deliver results. Service is the ‘above and beyond’ factor that retains clients.”

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