A debt buyer is a firm that purchases debt from another company, usually a creditor or bank, at a deeply discounted rate. The debt purchaser then attempts to collect the debt through its own operations or through the use of a third-party debt collection agency. Some debt buyers may sell all or part of the debt to another party at a profit. Most debt buyers are small and privately held, though there is a handful of publicly traded debt buying companies. Recent changes in law and legal rulings have seen the debt buying industry regulated like collection agencies, or servicers of debt, rather than creditors, or owners of the debt. Debt buyers must adhere to the FDCPA.

See all Topics

State AG Settles with Debt Collector of Payday Loans

29 March 2013

Decorated But Struggling Vet Gets Debt Settlement Deal, Grant Through ARMing Heroes

28 March 2013

Encore Capital Group Selects IO's Data Center as a Service to Support Rapid Growth

28 March 2013

FTC Settles with ARM Firm for $800,000 Over Convenience Fees

27 March 2013

Statutes of Limitations Frustrate Debt Collectors and Consumers

25 March 2013

Mike Ginsberg: Remembering an ARM Industry Stalwart

25 March 2013

Executive Change: Lowell Group Appoints Director of External Collections

25 March 2013

Debt Collectors Gone Wild? What The Media Doesn't Know

22 March 2013

CFPB Releases Annual FDCPA Report to Congress After Active 2012

21 March 2013

Debt Buyer Consolidation - Encore Capital and Asset Acceptance Transaction

21 March 2013

How About a Partnership with Fellow CFPB Supervisees from Other Industries?

19 March 2013

CFPB Leader Calls Debt Collector Examinations Preventive Rather than Reactive

18 March 2013

New York State Debt Collection Laws: I Love New York

18 March 2013

Executive Change: Stephan Ohlmeyer to Intrum Justitia as Director of Purchased Debt

18 March 2013

Are Recent UK ARM Acquisitions Isolated Events or Trend Setters?

15 March 2013

SCRA Compliance is Not Optional for Debt Collectors

13 March 2013

Nebraska Debt Collection Laws: Possibilities...Endless

13 March 2013

ACA: Debt Collectors Continue to be National Leaders in Resolving Consumer Complaints

12 March 2013

Javlin Capital Partners with First Equity Capital to Purchase Non-performing Residential Mortgages and "REO"

11 March 2013

Less than 50% of Debt Collection Complaints Easily Verified

11 March 2013