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Mike Bevel

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Posts Authored

Why Does U.S. Healthcare Cost So Much?

Healthcare Daily Digest for Monday, 18 March: Accountable Care Organizations Want Medicare to Reconsider Healthcare Benchmarks

Healthcare Daily Digest for Friday, 15 March: Your 2012 Taxes May Affect Your 2014 Healthcare

Healthcare Daily Digest for Thursday, 14 March: Why We Fail at Planning for Healthcare Costs

Paul Ryan's Free Market Plan for Medicaid, Seniors, and the Next Ten Years

Healthcare Daily Digest for Wednesday, 13 March: The Application Process for the Uninsured Under the Affordable Care Act

Healthcare Daily Digest for Tuesday, 12 March: The High Cost of Being Poor

Healthcare Daily Digest for Monday, 11 March: More Questions Than Answers in Healthcare Reform

Healthcare Daily Digest for Friday, 8 March: Maybe THIS Time the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Will Get a Permanent Director

Healthcare Daily Digest for Thursday, 7 March: Facebook 'Likes' Correlate to Hospital and Healthcare Quality

Healthcare Daily Digest for Wednesday, 6 March: Is the Free Market the Best Steward for Healthcare?

Healthcare Daily Digest for 5 March: Will Paul Ryan's Budget Change Everything About Healthcare?

Healthcare Daily Digest for 4 March: Should Business or People Pay for Employee Healthcare?

Healthcare Daily Digest for 1 March: The Ever Important Importance of Former Supermodels to the Healthcare Debate

Healthcare Daily Digest for 27 February: Political Arguing About the Cost of Obamacare

Daily Healthcare Digest for 26 February: Republicans See Leverage Opportunity with Medicare, Healthcare

Governor Cuomo Wants Debt Collectors to Know it's Still Illegal to Collect Payday Loans

Healthcare Daily Digest for 25 February: Will Republicans or the President Blink First Over Sequester, Healthcare Reform?

Healthcare Daily Digest for 22 February 2013: How Your Healthcare Provider is Abusing Facebook

Healthcare Daily Digest for 21 February 2013: The Upside of the Downside of the Affordable Care Act