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Mike Bevel

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Posts Authored

An Open Letter to Business Insider About Debt Collection and Death Threats

Oregon Collection Agency Professional Credit Service Participates in "Hiring Heroes"

New York "Enlists" Banks in Fight Against Payday Lenders

Obamacare Explained in 7 Minutes in Cartoon Form

Consumers Want Smartphone Healthcare; You Want to be HIPAA Compliant

Slowdown in Healthcare Costs Projected; Consumers Still at Risk

What's Ohio Saying About Rising Healthcare Premiums?

Delaying Generic Drugs: Pay-for-Delay May No Longer Be an Option

Healthcare Digest 6/10: Over-Reliance on Healthcare Pricing Transparency

Healthcare Digest 6/7: Will California Lead the Nation in Obamacare?

CFPB Panel 2: Verifying Disputed Debts Under the FDCPA/FCRA

CFPB Panel 1: Info Available to Debt Collectors at Time of Assignment, Sale

Healthcare Digest: Sebelius May/May Not Have Solicited Obamacare Donations

Healthcare Digest 6/4: GE Capital's High Interest Healthcare Credit Card

Healthcare Digest 6/3: Even Healthcare Experts Aren't Experts

Healthcare Digest 5/31: Healthcare Poll Useful as Any Other Poll (Not at All)

Healthcare Digest 5/30: A Wily Truth About Immigration and Healthcare

Healthcare Digest 5/28: Cosmetic Eyelifts for Seniors a Drag on Medicare

Healthcare Digest 5/24: Healthcare Identity Theft, or is That Your Kidney?

Healthcare Digest 5/23: Send a Kid to College or Pay for Healthcare: What's it Gonna Be?