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Mike Ginsberg

President and CEO at Kaulkin Ginsberg

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Kaulkin Ginsberg

Contact Information

Posts Authored

ARM Industry Meeting Congress Today on FDCPA, TCPA, CFPB

Mike Ginsberg's Blog: The History of the ARM Industry

What Challenges and Opportunities Lie Ahead for ARM?

Mike Ginsberg’s Blog: An Insider’s Perspective on Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Impacting ARM

Avoid Pitfalls When Responding to an Unsolicited Offer to Buy Your Collection Agency

Mike Ginsberg's Musings: Student Loans and Mortgages Take the Reins

Mike Ginsberg: First Quarter ARM Legal, Legislative and Regulatory Climate Summed Up

Mike Ginsberg: The Caution Flag is Out When It Comes to Private Equity Buyers

Mike Ginsberg: Fixing The U.S. Postal Service Will Have Dramatic Effect on ARM Companies

Mike Ginsberg's Musings: Developing Trends for ARM Professionals

Mike Ginsberg: Lessons from Spring Break that Translate to Business

Even Business Publications are Getting it Wrong on Collectors

How Unemployment, the Post Office, and Capital Gains Taxes Could Influence Your Collection Agency

Debt Buying Professionals See Improvement and Significant Challenges Ahead

Five Key Trends that will Reshape ARM Industry in 2012

Emerging Legal, Legislative and Regulatory Trends in the ARM Industry

Bank of America May Close Branches. Is ARM Impacted?

Are We Out of the Economic Woods? Not Quite Yet

Why Debt Collection Firms Should Join the Social Media Soiree

Strategic Planning Season: A Time for Change (PART II)