Stephanie Eidelman [Image by creator  from ]

Stephanie Eidelman

CEO at insideARM

insideARM logo [Image by creator insideARM from ]


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Posts Authored

FTC and 11 States Announce Actions Against Student Loan Debt Relief Scams

A set of five different-shaped road signs that all say "Penalty" [Image by creator Argus from AdobeStock]

CFPB Takes Action Against "Document Preparation" Company as Debt Industry Struggles to Deal With Influx of Mass Validation Requests

 [Image by creator kentoh from AdobeStock]

Industry Responds to CFPB Small Dollar Lending Rule

Expert Says Practice of Law Exemption is Essential to Fix FDCPA

 [Image by creator DOC RABE Media from AdobeStock]

FCC Committee Meets About Unwanted "Robo" Calls; Makes More Recommendations

A line of open multi-colored highlighters [Image by creator pamela_d_mcadams from AdobeStock]

CFPB Report Highlights Debt Collection Issues; Collectors AND Creditors Should Take Note

House Committee Meets Today to Consider Change to FDCPA

Stage curtain slightly opening [Image by creator yodiyim from AdobeStock]

CFPB Unveils New Form For Requesting Guidance

Senator Calls on Bank CEOs to Go on Record

 [Image by creator danijelala from AdobeStock]

Latest CFPB Consumer Survey Proposal Receives Mixed Review; One Industry Separates Itself from Another

The FTC is Looking to Crowdsource a Solution to Unwanted Calls

Oregon Debt Collection Bill Passes House and Senate

Pennsylvania Establishes Consumer Financial Protection Unit


FCC Attempts to Address Thorny Debt Collection Issue

House Subcommittee Considers Bills, Including Debt Collection

 [Image by creator danijelala from AdobeStock]

CFPB Picks (Just) One Representative of Collection Industry to Join Advisory Board

Coin jar with sticker that says "medical" [Image by creator vinnstock from AdobeStock]

Team Studies Impact of Medical Debt Forgiveness

Maine Adopts New Law for Debt Buyers

House Votes to Adopt CHOICE Act, Which Would Effectively Gut the CFPB

Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

CFPB To Intertwine "Right Consumer, Right Amount" Creditor and Debt Collector Rules