Stephanie Eidelman [Image by creator  from ]

Stephanie Eidelman

CEO at insideARM

insideARM logo [Image by creator insideARM from ]


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Posts Authored

How Will Arrests in Mumbai IRS Tax Collection Scam Affect Legitimate IRS Collection Contract?

Image of a brick wall with an open section that says "government contract" against a black background [Image by creator underverse from AdobeStock]

Treasury Department Moves to Hire More PCAs for Non-Tax Debts

Image of the words "Payday Loans" in blue neon against a brick wall [Image by creator Rex Wholster from AdobeStock]

FTC Wins Largest Ever Litigated Judgment -- $1.3 Billion

Black keyboard with one large red key that says "Opinion" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

Why Debt Collectors Should Take Notice of IBM’s Acquisition of Promontory

LendUp Feels Growing Pains As CFPB Orders Payment for Misleading Practices

Attorneys John Bedard and Sergei Lemberg holding a discussion on stage [Image by creator insideARM from ]

Sergei Lemberg Shares His Tips and Strategies With Creditors at Compliance Symposium

New York Proposes Extensive Data Security Regs for Financial Services Companies, Begins 45-Day Comment Period

File drawer with one folder in focus, labeled "Court Decisions" [Image by creator tashatuvango from AdobeStock]

5th Circuit Rules Against Collector For Not Making Disclosures in Time-Barred Debt Case

VoApps and InterProse Announce Integration Partnership

 [Image by creator  from ]

Delta Outsource Group, Inc. Teams Up With KidSmart

 [Image by creator dpyancy from AdobeStock]

Former Regulator Accuses CFPB of Targeting the Biggest Companies and Imposing "The Maximum Fines They Can Afford to Pay”

Photo of a person about to jump off a diving board into a pool [Image by creator wellphoto from AdobeStock]

Massachusetts Jumps into the Active Debt Collection Regulation Pool

Arms of 5 business people holding up different colored large "quote" marks [Image by creator Sergey Nivens from AdobeStock]

GAO Report Says CFPB Small Business Panels Could Be More Effective

FDCPA Safe Harbor Buried within CFPB Mortgage Rules

Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner Nixes Bill Connected to His Former Business Life in Debt Collection

 [Image by creator kentoh from AdobeStock]

insideARM Perspective on CFPB Outline of Proposed Rules – Litigation and Time-Barred Disclosures

 [Image by creator gustavofrazao from AdobeStock]

CFPB's Consumer Response Proposes New Consumer Feedback Survey

Photo of dice with letters forming the words "rules and regulations" [Image by creator anyaberkut from AdobeStock]

insideARM Perspective on CFPB Outline of Proposed Debt Collection Rules – Communication Part 2

 [Image by creator kentoh from AdobeStock]

CFPB Outlines Debt Collection Rulemaking Proposals

 [Image by creator James Steidl from AdobeStock]

CFPB Debt Collection Field Hearing is Announced for July 28