Stephanie Eidelman [Image by creator  from ]

Stephanie Eidelman

CEO at insideARM

insideARM logo [Image by creator insideARM from ]


Contact Information

Posts Authored


Collectors Need a Better Way to Confirm they are Speaking with the Right Person

 [Image by creator Amaranto from AdobeStock]

Mourning the Loss of a DAKCS Family Member

A robot in a thinking pose against a backdrop of white letters that appear to be flying through the air [Image by creator phonlamaiphoto from AdobeStock]

FCC and FTC Partner in Upcoming Efforts to Stop Illegal Robocalls

 [Image by creator  from ]

Police Officer Plays with IRS Scammer; Provides Textbook Example for Consumers

Cartoon image of a yellow emoji face with hand waving [Image by creator Yael Weiss from AdobeStock]

Creditors Should Build Trust in Collections by Saying 'Goodbye'

 [Image by creator JohnKwan from AdobeStock]

CFPB Requests Feedback on its Rulemaking Process

 [Image by creator Argus from AdobeStock]

Judge Says Plaintiffs in ED Case Likely to Succeed on Merits of Protest

File drawer showing folders labeled "complaints" [Image by creator Olivier Le Moal from AdobeStock]

CFPB Looking for Input on its Controversial Complaint Portal

Illustration of a map of united states in blue [Image by creator smarques27 from AdobeStock]

RIP Medical Debt Picks Up Steam With National Attention

 [Image by creator  from ]

CEO of insideARM Shares Opportunities and Agenda for 2018

Collection Industry Requests Guidance from Mass AG Regarding Longstanding Interpretation of Validation Requirements

Group of people discussing at a table [Image by creator pressmaster from AdobeStock]

CFPB Advisory Committee Meets; Emphatic Agreement that Debt Collection Rules are Needed

Image of8 stick people sitting at two long tables facing each other, one side wearing blue, one side wearing red [Image by creator maimu from AdobeStock]

DeVos to Assert that Only Department of ED, Not States, Can Regulate Student Loan Servicers

 [Image by creator Argus from AdobeStock]

17 Lawsuits Now Filed in Dept of ED Collection Contract, Chapter 2

 [Image by creator Chris Titze Imaging from AdobeStock]

CFPB Continues Search for Evidence with Supervision RFI

Regulatory Reform Panel Raises Important Discussion

 [Image by creator Gang from AdobeStock]

CFPB and White House Strategic Plans Appear to be Aligned

 [Image by creator lkeskinen from AdobeStock]

Litigation Filed (Again) in New Chapter of ED Private Collection Agency Contract

Photo of Mark Neeb [Image by creator  from ]

Neeb to Take Helm at ACA International

CFPB Complaints

Mulvaney to Move CFPB's Consumer Response; ACA Puts Complaints in Perspective