Experian has released the latest version of Tallyman, its specialist debt management system, to help its customers tackle the problems caused by growing numbers of consumers encountering financial difficulties as economic conditions become more difficult.  

Tallyman, part of the suite of products offered by Experian’s Decision Analytics business, is used to manage customers who have fallen into arrears with their payments by organizations that grant credit to consumers, including banks, building societies, loan providers, credit card companies and debt collection agencies, as well as organizations that provide consumer credit as part of their business model, such as retailers, utilities and communications companies.

New features for Tallyman 3.4 include:

Enhanced integration of dialer activities into Tallyman – includes recognition of the telephone number of an incoming call from a debtor, allocation to a collector and the automatic loading of the case information held in Tallyman to the collector’s screen

Internationalization – includes the ability to deploy Tallyman in any language

New configuration management capabilities – includes the ability to run live and test versions of Tallyman in parallel. This makes it easier for organizations to test new features and interfaces – and replicate them over multi-system sites.

The introduction of web service dictionaries – these enable data from both internal (intranet, billing, CRM etc) and external (other customer management systems – such as Experian’s Probe SM) systems to be easily accessed by Tallyman.  This data can then be evaluated and analyzed by the Tallyman Management Information module and used to provide a strategic view of a customer, including credit scores and behavioral data. This then enables organizations to identify and implement new strategies to improve collections rates, reduce costs and retain customers.

Features include:  

Improved dash boarding capabilities – Tallyman can provide access to real-time information in an easy-to-use on-screen dashboard format with targets, actual statistics and up to six KPIs shown at any one time

DB2 support – Tallyman can now be installed on IBM’s DB2 database system as well as Oracle and SQL.

Companies using Tallyman include British Gas, Orange, Vodafone, ABN AMRO, Severn Trent Water, Welsh Water, EDF Energy, Scottish Power and npower.

Next Article: Spreitzer Launches Receivable Recovery Partners
