Austin Logistics, the leader in predictive analytic software that solves specific problems along the consumer credit lifecycle, today announced it is increasing its presence in the UK and Europe as global markets and market trends in risk, collections and retention increase demand for the company’s predictive decisioning solutions worldwide. The company, headquartered in the US, already has an international roster of brand name customers, including the world’s top banks, credit card issuers, retailers and telecommunications companies, a number of whom are based in the UK.

As part of the move to capture rapidly emerging opportunity and to provide in-market sales, service and help desk support, the company announced it is partnering with several UK- and European-based companies to sell, distribute and deploy its full line of predictive analytic-based solutions throughout the UK and Europe.

Among the new partners Austin Logistics announced today are:

  • TDX Group, the UK’s leading packager of non-performing debt. The company’s Debt Sale Brokerage and Recoveries Management services are used by leading financial services, retail, utilities, telecoms/media and public sector companies.

  • Nexcom Solutions, a leading provider of contact center integration services in Europe. The company provides solutions that take full advantage of the latest communication technology, enabling companies to provide the optimum level of customer service at the lowest cost.

  • Geomant, a services delivery organization. Geomant provides a wide range of consulting, implementation and support services to partners and customer in the entire EMEA (Europe, Mideast and Africa) region.

“Establishing partnerships in the UK and Europe makes strategic sense as we move aggressively to scale our efforts to meet growing market demand,” said Doug Morehouse, Vice President, Regional Manager for Europe, the Mideast and Africa. “Nexcom, TDX and Geomant have proven experience to understand the business challenges that UK customers face and how our predictive analytic solutions can help them achieve rapid business improvements and hard-dollar return-on-investment results.”

Austin Logistics helps companies minimize the risk and maximize the revenue of recurring consumer financial transactions using predictive analytics. All solutions are designed to provide customers ROI inside of one year. Solutions include:

  • OnQ and CallTech Call Strategy Management Suite that uses predictive analytics and intelligent decisioning to balance effective call targeting strategies against operational constraints.

  • ActionSelect Treatment Optimization Solution that uses Action Analytics, Optimization and Simulation to determine the best treatment for each customer to best balance marketing and collections objectives and resource constraints.

  • EarlyDetection System, a risk and retention application for both debit and credit cards that delivers the power of a six-month score on the first day’s use.

  • NSFGuard, for debit and credit cards, minimizes payment risk by identifying high-risk and fraudulent payments and increases the accuracy of the float vs. no-float decision.

  • Valeo, an application for inbound customer service call centers that increases retention saves and sales revenue without increasing resources.

For more information about these solutions or Austin Logistics’ Partner Program, go to

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