SAN FRANCISCOLiveVox Inc., the leading provider of hosted-dialer solutions, today announced it recently enabled receivable management firm Protocol Recovery Service Inc. to overcome constraints associated with predictive dialer hardware. Atlanta-based Protocol was able to rapidly scale usage of LiveVox to achieve greater operational flexibility and agent productivity.

Faced with the potential for technology constraints on operations, Protocol instead elected to transfer additional dialing responsibilities to LiveVox. In less than 30 minutes, additional campaigns were built and agents were speaking with consumers on behalf of Protocol clients.

“The best agencies are proactive in their review of how new technologies can drive improvements to operations,” said Jeff Ackiss, Chief Operating Officer, Protocol. “The industry’s mindset has largely been that hosted technology is a supplemental tool. We found that the LiveVox Hosted Dialer allows us to overcome the limitations of hardware and fixed telephony. We’re more flexible now in terms of our ability to scale and adapt, allowing us to build on an already strong record of client service.”

 The unlimited calling capacity of LiveVox has been proven to increase agent talk time by 30-50% over Limited Line Dialers (hardware or hosted solutions that limit the amount of lines that can be dialed for each agent). This capacity also allows LiveVox to seamlessly enable clients to scale the amount of campaigns or agents on the system.

 “LiveVox focuses on credit and collections, which is a great market because there are many entrepreneurial people in the space,” said Louis Summe, Chief Executive Officer of LiveVox. “Since we bring such an innovate product to the market, we need people with the vision and willingness to explore new technologies. Protocol Recovery Service clearly has this type of vision, reflected by their strength in the marketplace. Our patented platform puts us in a much stronger position to quickly and cost effectively provision whatever capacity our clients need to handle increased volumes.”

The hosted delivery model of LiveVox also frees operations from the geographical constraints of hardware and provides built-in, instantaneous business continuity/disaster preparedness capabilities.

“Efforts to increase productivity should never be held hostage by system limitations that curb agent talk time limitations or force ‘agreeable’ levels of downtime,” said John McNamara, Chief Marketing Officer, LiveVox.

Added Ackiss: “What used to be standard practices now limit productivity. When everyone is constrained, benchmarking against peers only reaffirms industry-wide constraints. Sometimes stepping away from peer benchmarking is the key to finding breakthroughs.”

About Protocol Recovery Service
Protocol Recovery Service Inc. is a national account receivables management firm based in Atlanta, GA.  Protocol Recovery Service offers credit issuers and debt purchasers the confidence of utilizing a proven performance-based service provider. For further information please call (850) 392-1808.

About LiveVox
LiveVox is the first provider of hosted dialer solutions for the credit and collections industry. Breakthrough, patented technology and deep industry knowledge allow LiveVox to assist clients with optimizing their operations and collection strategies. Private, carrier-grade VoIP networks enable LiveVox to maximize the productivity of leading credit, collections, debt purchase and call center organizations at the lowest cost of ownership in the marketplace. LiveVox is headquartered in San Francisco. For more information, visit

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