As President and CEO of influential accounts receivable management advisory firm Kaulkin Ginsberg (a sister company of insideARM), Mike Ginsberg is asked to speak a lot. And he obliges…because he likes to talk.

This week, he’s talking again. Ginsberg is giving a keynote address Thursday at the Collection and Recovery Solutions 2009 conference. While attending collection industry conferences and talking to an audience is old-hat for Ginsberg, this time he’s trying something new. He’ll be offering real-time updates on the conference through Twitter.

Twitter is that thing that people talk about all the time, but are kind of unsure how to define. Basically, it allows folks to send brief updates to a Web site via their cell phones. The application allows people to stay in touch in a new and compelling way. And since it’s all the rage with the media right now, we thought we’d give it a try.

Ginsberg’s Twitter feed is available in his blog on You can also formally sign up with Twitter and follow him on their site, as a couple dozen people have done so far. But it’s not required; just check this page for live updates of the conference on Thursday.

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