CR Software, Inc. (CRS), the leading collections solutions provider for collection agencies and corporate debt recovery departments, announced today the availability of Experian Collection AdvantageSM via its Collection Resource System™ interface. Collection Advantage from Experian offers complete portfolio intelligence from a single source. Customers now have the ability to receive credit-based scores, credit attributes and skip tracing information in one easy-to-use, seamless process.

?Collection Advantage is a complete collections management tool that provides 24-7 access to critical information to recover more dollars faster. Clients can use its flexibility to customize data requirements with each file submitted for processing,? said Dan Buell, director of Product Marketing at Experian. ?Many businesses in the collection industry, including debt buyers, agencies and law firms are currently using Collection Advantage. We are pleased to be integrated with CR Software now and to be able to offer this solution to our mutual clients.?

By using Collection Advantage and the Collection Resource System interface, the system allows clients to:

  • Take greater control of their debt portfolio
  • Track debtors and locate skips more effectively
  • Identify debtors with the highest recovery potential
  • Prioritize post charge-off based on collection probability
  • Reduce operating costs by streamlining the recovery process

?We are delighted to offer our clients this powerful new tool through the Collection Resource System interface,? said Edz Sturans, President of CR Software, Inc. ?We believe it will allow our clients to become more productive and profitable in addition to existing Collection Resource System capabilities.?

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