PIC Solutions, the leading specialist credit risk management consultancy in the Africa Middle East region, will chair the African Credit Risk Management Conference 2007.

Nick Geimer, PIC Solutions Head of Consulting and Analytics and Chairman at the conference, comments, “Naturally I am honoured to have been invited to chair this conference. This event cannot be overlooked by any serious credit grantors in Africa, as it presents the ideal opportunity to gain access to current thought leaders’ new ideas and solutions on dealing successfully with the challenges that the region brings."

Stephen J. Leonard, Managing Director at PIC Solutions added, “This strategic event provides insight into international best practices, managing risk exposure and capitalising in an ever-changing market on new opportunities in Africa. We have worked extensively in the emerging markets and together with our specialised credit risk products can provide the African banking industry with unique solutions.”

Held at the Park Hyatt Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa, this conference will take place on 8-9 November 2007. Aimed at top decision makers, this event will focus on key industry issues including:

  • Exploring the new implications of the updated National Credit Act and its impact on credit lending
  • Understanding the global perspective of Credit Risk in Africa
  • Mastering ways of diversifying portfolios to better manage risks
  • Discovering ways in acquiring strategic portfolio growth through retail credit
  • Assessing the suitability of strategies of wholesale lending in international markets versus Africa
  • Evaluating the final phase of the implementation of Basel II and inspecting the challenges in going live
  • Reviewing processes to establish Credit Risk Management efficiency in emerging markets
  • Examining the challenges of macro-economic and financial market backdrop to credit risk

For further details on the African Credit Risk Management Conference 2007, visit: http://www.marcusevans.com/html/eventdetail.asp?eventID=13182&SectorID=2&divisionID= 

Next Article: Is There Anybody Out There?
