Vengroff, Williams & Associates (VWA), a leading provider of receivables management and business process outsourcing solutions, today announced its 45th anniversary. From a small store front in Long Island, measuring a scant 300 square feet, VWA was founded by patriarch, Harvey Vengroff, who started the business when a client owed his janitorial company the sum of $35,000.

Since opening its doors in 1963 as a collections management agency, VWA has grown to 1000 employees, gained the trust of 3000+ leading companies representing $23 billion in accounts receivables and began offering a full range of accounts receivables services.

"Until recently, we did not do much mainstream marketing, primarily growing the business through referrals," said Mark Vengroff, CEO of VWA. "This is testament to the satisfaction of our customers."

One of the keys to VWAs success is its highly trained employees, who tap into the company’s 45-years of lessons learned to deliver a high-quality, flexible customer experience. In fact, VWA was rated "Promising" in Gartner’s MarketScope for Comprehensive Finance and Accounting Business Process Outsourcing, 2007.

"We are very proud of the that fact through it all, we have been able to continue to deliver customized, ’boutique-like’ services to our customers, who have in turn, helped us get to where we are at today. We are looking forward to 45 more years of service to our customers," Mark Vengroff added.

"The VWA brand has been built over the past 45 years on innovation," stated Mark. "We were among the first in our business to advocate for regulation. We were the first in our business to build sales teams exclusively for clients. We were the first in our business to enhance the image of receivables management to one of being about people — dedicated sales people working hand-in-hand with clients to find the most efficient and cost-effective solutions to business processes."

Although VWA’s founder, Harvey Vengroff, retired from the business a decade ago, he is still called upon by management for guidance and inspiration. Glancing back at the past 45 years, he was asked if he was amazed at the company’s success over the years.

"No, not at all. We are good at what we do. Simple as that. We hire good people. We do what we do well. We built long-standing relationships with our customers who have come to trust us. This is what most good companies do over time — they build relationships with customers and they get the job done."

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