Equifax Inc. today announced it will offer Equifax Credit Watch credit monitoring products at half price to all American veterans whose identities might have been compromised as a result of the recent security breach at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

On May 22, the VA announced the theft of an employee’s government-issued computer that contained identifying information including names, dates of birth, service numbers and Social Security numbers of up to 26.5 million veterans. While the VA said there is no evidence that this information has been compromised, Equifax believes potential victims need to take precautionary steps to safeguard their personal information that may fall into criminal hands.

Equifax Credit Watch provides alerts based on key credit file changes that could be early warning signs of identity theft. Credit Watch offers veterans and all Americans comprehensive identity theft protection, as well as a dedicated team of Equifax ID theft resolution specialists who assist victims with the process of redressing the damage resulting from ID theft.

Available at www.equifax.com, Equifax Credit Watch with 3-in-1 Monitoring provides consumers with daily alerts of key changes to their credit files with any of the three nationwide credit reporting companies; Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. Equifax Credit Watch Gold monitors a consumer’s Equifax credit file and sends daily alerts of key changes. Equifax Credit Watch Silver provides weekly alerts of key changes to the Equifax credit file. Veterans will be able to take advantage of these products at a 50 percent discount through June 30.

In the meantime, the VA is asking all veterans to be extra vigilant and to carefully monitor their bank statements, credit card statements and any statements relating to recent financial transactions. If veterans notice unusual or suspicious activity, they should report it immediately to the financial institution involved and contact the Federal Trade Commission for further guidance.

Veterans can receive the latest information about this incident by going to www.firstgov.gov/veteransinfo.shtml, or by contacting the VA’s dedicated call center for the latest information about this situation. That toll free number is 1-800-FED INFO (1-800-333-4636). The call center will operate from 8 am to 9 pm (EDT), Monday-Saturday as long as it is needed.

To learn more about Equifax Credit Watch and other steps Americans should take to protect themselves from identity theft, go to www.equifax.com. Equifax also provides a free credit education program, in both English and Spanish, at www.mycrediteducation.com.

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