MedQuist Inc. announced the release of version 1.1 of its voice capture platform, DocQment(TM) Ovation. This latest software release gives HIM professionals superior management of their medical documentation when using outsourced transcription service providers.

"Ovation has been very successful for us thus far. We signed 20 customers within the first six months of launching this Web-based, enterprise digital voice capture and transport solution last year. As they complete their implementations, customers are experiencing improved turnaround times with new workflow tools such as Quality Control and ADT backfill. Version 1.1 will add to these capabilities with enhanced reporting capabilities and management options that will help provide better control of the document from dictation through signature," says Scott Bennett, MedQuist senior vice president of Sales and Marketing.

"Outsourcing is a valuable resource for healthcare providers," adds Emmy Weber, MedQuist vice president of Product Management, "and our customers have indicated the need for more advanced work management tools in order to effectively manage multiple outsourcing vendors as well as internal transcriptionists." Ovation version 1.1 addresses these needs at the point of dictation and is specifically engineered to tightly integrate with MedQuist’s dictation, speech recognition and transcription platform while interfacing smoothly with other outsourcing vendors.

Key enhancements with version 1.1 include: — New reporting capabilities; — Improved QA/QC controls and workflow options; — Enhanced functionality of the Ovation Enterprise Workstation; — A Quick View of document lists; and — Streamlined dashboard view to manage users, voice files and documents.

According to Jennifer Busby, HIM director at Maury Regional Healthcare System in Columbia, Tenn., "DocQment Ovation makes us better managers because it enables us to use the information we have more effectively. DocQment Ovation, with the ability to capture patient ADT information, allows a front- end quality control process that streamlines the entire document workflow. This also improves the overall accuracy of the upload to our HIS system. Our MT productivity has increased approximately 18 percent, allowing the MTs to focus on transcription. Overall, we can see where we have overflow, or in some cases, underused capacity. Now we can shift resources to the highest need areas more quickly, without disruption to our system of care."

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