WATERLOO, IA ? The CBE Group, Inc. (CBE), a Waterloo-based debt collection business, is improving its operations with industry-leading technology. This month, the company is installing new predictive telephone dialer technology called CT Vision®. The upgrade will enhance both inbound and outbound telephone calls, and it will double the number of collectors CBE can support on its dialer.

CT Vision®, a product authored by Ontario Systems, will help CBE automate account flow, increase the speed of collections, and better manage receivables. By improving productivity and accelerating cash flow, CBE will enhance client satisfaction and increase returns to its clients.

As a progressive company, CBE is committed to strategically investing in telephony systems, software enhancements, and experienced recovery personnel. The organization?s vision is to design an agile, technology-based operational model that generates improved placement batch liquidation results. In addition to installing CT Vision®, CBE is doubling its number of telephone circuits.

CBE?s information-based approach to collections is driven by its Operations and IT divisions. Comprehensive data validation and analysis procedures allow the organization to focus on developing and refining effective operational plans.

CBE has been in the credit information and collection business since 1933. The company provides accounts receivable management to a variety of organizations throughout the United States, including colleges and universities, healthcare organizations, cable and telecommunication companies, financial institutions, government agencies, and utilities. CBE currently employs 300 people in Waterloo, Iowa, and West Des Moines, Iowa.

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