Michael supports all of the firm’s advisory activities. Prior to joining Kaulkin, Michael was the Co-Founder and Program Director of the US-Israel Business Exchange in Washington, DC which was a public/private initiative established out of the Embassy of Israel to accelerate the market entry of Israeli companies in the Greater Washington region and enhance deal flow between US and Israeli businesses. Michael developed a network that grew to over 3,000 executives and helped over 80 Israeli start ups connect to potential investment, strategic partners, customers and services.

Michael received his Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies focusing on Latin America and the Middle East and a minor in Computer and Information Systems and Spanish from American University in May 2002.

Kaulkin Ginsberg Company
Since 1989, Kaulkin Ginsberg has provided solutions to accounts receivable management and other business services industries. Our Strategic Advisory Division is the most recognized source of M&A, valuation advice, research, consulting, and executive search services for this sector. Through our SAGE program (Strategic Analysis, Growth and Exit), we work with owners and executives in their efforts to grow or exit their business. Kaulkin Media publishes the website CollectionIndustry.com™, as well as five electronic newsletters including Credit & Collection Daily™ and Debt Portfolio News™, and is the leading source of timely information for credit and debt collection professionals. Kaulkin Partners is a one-of-a-kind sales organization that seeks out the latest in technology and services for credit and collections, and makes them available through one convenient source.

Next Article: Executive Bio: Mark Russell
