The findings of the 2007 Aspect Contact Center Satisfaction Index – Europe, reveal that consumers in Europe are increasingly less satisfied with contact center experiences. Compared to a 2007 survey of North American contact center performance, the European contact centers received lower satisfaction ratings. In 2007, North American contact centers received an average satisfaction rating of 72.4 percent compared with a 64 percent rating for Europe.

Key Findings and Differences in Regions

When comparing the 2007 Aspect Index – Europe findings with the 2007 Aspect Index – North America there were both similarities and differences between the two regions:

European Contact Centers’ Grades Fall Across the Board
North American consumers give contact centers a 75 percent for Empathy and Advocacy, versus 65 percent in Europe; a 71 percent for Efficiency, compared to 63 percent in Europe; and 67 percent for Automation, versus 62 percent in Europe.

Study Shows a Decrease in Phone Usage on Both Continents
North American consumers are 13 percent more likely to utilize the telephone. Consumers on both continents record a six percent decrease in phone usage.

Automation Plays a Key Role in Exceptional Contact Center Experiences in Europe
European consumers who have exceptional contact center experiences are six percent more likely than North Americans to have their contacts begin with an automated system.

Exceptional Customer Experience = More Business
In North America, 66 percent of consumers who had an exceptional experience are more likely to do more business with that company in the future, compared to 55 percent of consumers in Europe. 

For the full summary of the report, or the North American 2007 Aspect Contact Center Satisfaction Index, visit

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