Today I am pleased to announce the launch of Kaulkin Media’s Inside Healthcare Receivables, a monthly newsletter focused on significant issues at the intersection of the healthcare and ARM industries.

For some of you who are familiar with Kaulkin Media’s other newsletters like The ARM Insider—a daily information source that has become a kind of gold standard for ARM industry news—or Inside Collections & Debt—a monthly newsletter that highlights important collection agency topics—Inside Healthcare Receivables will bring you the same level of recent news and analysis in a concise and easily digestible form. And best of all, it’s FREE, like all of insideARM’s newsletters.

For those of you who do not receive another Kaulkin Media newsletter (and I would hypothesize that this group might include those of you who work day in and day out doing the business of healthcare), Inside Healthcare Receivables provides an efficient way for you to access Kaulkin Media’s healthcare offerings: top news stories from the last month, high-level analysis of issues and trends that affect the industry, and even this blog featuring my own take on matters of the moment.

This month’s edition of Inside Healthcare Receivables features several news stories detailing recent healthcare policy developments on the state level, and an in-depth article on the impact of recent changes to the Internal Revenue Code on hospitals’ accounting practices (as illustrated by the schoolyard tussle underway between the Service Employees International Union and Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center).

I trust that you will enjoy the inaugural issue of Inside Healthcare Receivables. Once you’ve read it, I invite you to return here to tell me what you think.

To subscribe to Inside Healthcare Receivables, please manage your subscriptions in the Member Center. Please note that you must be registered and logged in to to manage your subscriptions.

Next Article: Accounting for Bad Debt: Charity Care, IRS ...
