RevQ, a software and consulting company providing technology for revenue recovery to the government sector, today announced the release of Revenue Results 4.1.  The latest version of its debt collection software engineered specifically for courts, taxation and other government entities offers a series of new features and enhancements for effective revenue collections.

Revenue Results 4.1 offers the following new features:

  • Correspondence – Ability to send letters to an ASCII delimited file to be printed by an outsourced vendor.  An electronic copy of the letter can also be saved to the desktop during the time of printing.
  • Reports – Generate custom reports within the Revenue Results application 
  • Importing –XML extract including information such as current payment plan information can now be imported from another database to Revenue Results. 
  • Ability to Pay Module – Module for calculating, tracking, and printing the debtors’ ability to pay the debt.

Tax Intercept Module – Module for initial processing and data interchange regarding offsetting a debtor’s refund. The focus will initially be on Arizona counties with California and Virginia to follow with Federal IRS offset.
“These enhancements are a direct result of listening to and working with our valued clients to modify their collections process to keep pace with ongoing changes and regulations in the industry,” said Bruce Randall, president, RevQ.  “Clients will now be able to take advantage of a more streamlined communications channel and modules that provide greater convenience and control for managing accounts and tracking payments.”

Revenue Results is designed to automate the many manual and monotonous tasks in the debt collection lifecycle to increase productivity and reduce unnecessary time spent on tracking, management and follow-up.  Revenue Results is available as a standalone installation or as a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. The software offers government users the ability to streamline account entry, due diligence tracking of accounts, matching like debtors, automated correspondence, payment plan setup, work list capability, graphical reporting and more.

RevQ, Inc. is part of the Columbia Ultimate family of companies and provides software solutions and consulting services to Courts, Taxation and other public sector entities.

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