SALT LAKE CITY, UT ? Information Access Technology, Inc, (IAT), a leading provider of communications solutions for the collection industry and related markets, announced today that David Rudd, formerly IAT VP of Finance and Administration, has accepted the position of President and CEO. He succeeds Scott Sorensen, IAT Co-Founder, who has retired from IAT to pursue other interests. Randy Cooper, VP of Research and Product Development, has been promoted to Senior Vice President and will take a more active role in guiding the overall direction of the company.

David Rudd has been with IAT for 13 years, serving for most of that time in executive and management positions. He has overseen all corporate financial and accounting responsibilities, the Sales and Marketing departments, and Human Resources administration. As a member of the IAT Board of Directors, he has helped to formulate and carry out corporate vision. Rudd said, ?I am excited to have this opportunity to more directly influence the growth of IAT and our customers? success. I am dedicated to ensuring that our customers continue to benefit from the high level of service and product development they have come to expect from IAT.? Rudd has a BA in Economics, an MBA in Accounting and is fluent in Spanish.

Randy Cooper has been with IAT for 9 ½ years. He has 14 years of experience creating integrated systems for the computer/telephony industry. He has done significant research in voice recognition, text-to-speech, and audio-streaming technologies. Cooper has been instrumental in the integration of all aspects of IAT?s products. He is the architect and lead developer of CT Center Predictive Dialing and Interactive Communication. In addition to Product Research & Development, Cooper will also oversee the Customer Services Department. Cooper has a degree in computer science and mathematics.

Sorensen, whose entrepreneurial vision led him to be one of the first to see the value of CTI/IVR technology to the collection industry, founded IAT with his brother, Kent, in 1986. Under his leadership, IAT has become a leading provider of communication solutions for collections. He was instrumental in positioning IAT?s legacy product, SmartDial, as synonymous with ?predictive dialer.? He has skillfully guided the successful product transition to Windows-based CT Center, which combines predictive dialing and interactive communications technology, thus ensuring IAT?s continued position as a market leader.

For several years, Sorensen has had personal aspirations to pursue other interests. At a recent company meeting, he said, ?I didn?t want to leave IAT until I could ensure the success of the company going forward. With the highly successful development and implementation of our Windows-based product, CT Center, I feel like we have accomplished that. I am also leaving the company in the hands of a team with an extremely high level of competence.?

About Information Access Technology, Inc. (IAT)
Information Access Technology provides predictive dialing and interactive communications contacting solutions for the collection industry and related markets. Their products are installed in hundreds of organizations throughout the U.S., Canada and South Africa. Using their latest offering, CT Center®, predictive dialing and inbound/outbound interactive communications can operate simultaneously on a single Windows® platform. By developing innovative and reliable products and providing outstanding customer service and support, IAT helps customers become significantly more productive and profitable. Founded in 1986, IAT is a privately held company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. To learn more about IAT and CT Center, visit our website at, send an email to, or call 800-574-8801.

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