Lonnie Hunter, CFO for The Law Offices of Bennett DeLoney and Noyes, P.C. (BDN), is representing BDN this July in the 2006 CEO Ironman Challenge in Lake Placid. The event is held annually and this year it will take place at five locations around the world ? South Africa, Australia, France, Lake Placid, and Korea. The event includes executives from companies worldwide and includes a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and finishes with a 26.2 mile run.

?I am excited for the opportunity to represent our firm and take part in it as the only participant from the collection industry,? Lonnie said. He competed in the 2003 Ironman Hawaii with a time of 14 hours and 36 minutes.

BDN, headquartered in Salt Lake City, is a nationwide collection law firm recovering debt for creditors, agencies, and debt buyers. The firm litigates accounts in the Mountain West region for its clients.

Next Article: POV: "In Defense of Debt Collection"
