Credit Counseling Centers of America, (CCC/America) among the largest non-profit credit counseling services in the country, has committed delivering mandatory credit counseling through

According to the CCC/America Board of Directors, the beauty of the system is that it helps the process of collecting data to provide financial analysis for consumers and streamlines the education process.

The new law requires, for the first time, that individuals receive credit counseling prior to filing bankruptcy. Through the ease of the Internet, bankruptcy clients will receive credit counseling and educational courses. Clients can log in from their homes, their attorneys office, or any location that has an Internet connection, making this very personal process convenient and private. Clients are provided a printed report of their budget, overall financial situation including their net cash flow and debt-to-income ratio, a review of the briefing and alternatives for solving financial problems brought on by debt.

“The key concept is the critical balance between complete compliance and keeping client costs at a reasonable level,” states Kevin Chern, president of Start Fresh Today, Inc. Currently, has over 600 bankruptcy attorneys registered to use their services.

Credit Counseling Centers of America is one of the first approved agencies to work nationwide providing credit counseling briefings as part of the bankruptcy reform act. Through CCC/America’s credit counseling briefing, data is reviewed by a certified credit counselor, and the consumer immediately has their results.

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