This summer many states will offer the opportunity for families to purchase back to school items, clothing and other essentials without having to pay sales tax. Some states are even extending the ?holiday? to include personal computers.

?This is an excellent opportunity for working families, single parents and anyone else who needs a break to buy essentials and back to school items?, said Mark Guimond, Executive Director of the American Association of Debt Management Organizations (AADMO), the trade association for the credit counseling industry.

?Families should be sure to check the items included in their state?s list of sales tax ?holiday? items. Some states have included baby clothes, school athletic gear and clothing, uniforms, footwear, and items placed on layaway?, added Guimond.

The dates for the individual state sales tax ?holidays? and links to the states for additional information are:

    Alabama — August 4 -6

    Connecticut — August 20 – 26

    Florida — July 22 – 30

    Georgia — August 3 – 6

    Iowa — August 4 – 5

    Maryland — August 23 ? 27

    Missouri — August 4 – 6

    New Mexico — August 4 – 6

    North Carolina — August 4 – 6

    South Carolina — August 4 – 6

    Tennessee — August 4 ? 6

    Texas — August 4 ? 6

    Virginia — August 4 – 6


?If families are having difficulties making ends meet or facing financial difficulties, they many want to contact a credit counseling agency for a private and confidential personal budget analysis. Credit counseling is a time tested method to help consumers get back on their feet?, said Guimond.

According to Guimond, ?Most states have laws regulating credit counseling agencies so consumers can be assured of working only with legally operating and quality agencies. Through AADMO consumers can learn which states issue licenses, those agencies that are licensed and where to find those agencies?.

Mark Guimond has given numerous speeches including those to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and the Illinois Department of Financial Institutions encouraging consumers to look for licensed and legally authorized credit counseling agencies.

The AADMO web page ( identifies all licensed or authorized credit counseling agencies (without regard to affiliation or membership in AADMO) that are approved by the respective state. Web sites for some organizations guide consumers to selected agencies but not all legally approved agencies.

Consumers can get help from legitimate and approved credit counselors. To find a list of authorized agencies published by a state visit and click on the “Find a Credit Counselor” button.

The AADMO web page links consumers directly with states that publish lists of authorized agencies. Those states that regulate credit counseling agencies but do not have a list of authorized agencies on the web have the appropriate contact information listed. Those states that do not require, or do not publish a list, are indicated with ?List of authorized credit counseling agencies not available.?

Consumers should note that several states, such as Iowa and Indiana, only require in-state agencies to be licensed. Some states, such as Alaska, Massachusetts and Arkansas do not currently have any license requirements for credit counselors and therefore do not have any list of authorized agencies. Other states, such as Florida, Georgia and Ohio, have laws regulating credit counseling but do not have a license requirement.

California requires that credit counseling agencies file for an exemption to licensing rather than obtain a license. Washington, D.C. and Colorado repealed their laws and Washington State abolished its license requirement.

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