ValueAct Capital today announced that it will conduct a tender offer to acquire up to approximately 7 million shares of Acxiom Corporation common stock, at a price of $25 per share in cash, if its nominees are elected to Acxiom’s Board of Directors at the Company’s 2006 Annual Meeting.

ValueAct Capital has been an Acxiom shareholder since 2003, and currently owns 11.7 percent of Acxiom’s common stock. If ValueAct Capital’s three-person Board slate is elected and if its tender offer is successful, it will own approximately an additional 8 percent of Acxiom’s shares, bringing its total share ownership to just under 20 percent, the maximum percentage that ValueAct Capital can own without triggering Acxiom’s poison pill.

As previously announced, ValueAct Capital’s three director candidates for election to the Acxiom Board are Jeffrey W. Ubben, Louis J. Andreozzi and J. Michael Lawrie. As indicated in an open letter issued today to all Acxiom shareholders, ValueAct Capital’s commitment to promptly commence a tender offer for approximately an additional 8 percent of Acxiom’s shares if its Board slate is elected, and at a premium to Acxiom’s current market price, reflects the confidence of ValueAct Capital that its three Board nominees, even as a minority of Acxiom’s Board, can create significant value for all Acxiom shareholders.

The full text of ValueAct Capital’s open letter to Acxiom shareholders follows:

    Dear Fellow Acxiom Shareholder:

    ValueAct Capital has nominated three candidates for the board of directors of Acxiom Corporation (“Acxiom”) and seeks to achieve their election through a proxy contest. ValueAct Capital, which has been an Acxiom shareholder since 2003, currently owns almost 12 percent of Acxiom’s stock, and will be voting these shares in favor of our nominees. We are pursuing this course of action because we have lost confidence in the ability of Acxiom’s board and management to maximize shareholder value. The current board has failed to hold management accountable for flawed strategic focus, poor capital allocation, and unsound corporate governance practices. We strongly believe that if our nominees—Lou Andreozzi, J. Michael Lawrie and I—are elected to the Acxiom board, we will be able to drive changes that will produce more value for shareholders. As such, we will want to own more stock if our nominees are elected to Acxiom’s board.

    To that end, if our nominees are elected at Acxiom’s 2006 annual meeting, we will promptly thereafter commence a tender offer to purchase up to approximately 7 million shares, or approximately an additional 8 percent of Acxiom’s stock, at a price of $25 per share. This purchase would increase our ownership to the maximum percentage we could own without triggering Acxiom’s poison pill. ValueAct Capital is willing to pay a premium for these shares because we have confidence in the ability of our nominees to create additional value if elected to Acxiom’s board. This tender offer would give other shareholders the opportunity to sell their stock, if they wish to do so, at a price identical to that of our October 2005 offer to purchase the company that Acxiom’s board rejected.

    On behalf of all of us at ValueAct Capital, thank you for your interest and support.


    Jeffrey W. Ubben Managing Member VA Partners, LLC

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