Avis Rent A Car (AVIS), South Africa?s leading car rental company, has selected ACET Processing to deliver a third party account processing solution that will provide for the launch and ongoing processing of the AVIS pre-paid travel card.

As part of its commitment to extend its range of value added customer services, AVIS is providing a pre-paid travel card facility to customers who rent AVIS vehicles. The card will be accepted for both fuel and non-fuel purchases at more than 600 selected filling stations throughout South Africa. Initially, this facility will be offered to inbound foreign tourists and at a later date to domestic car rental customers. AVIS will have access to the state-of-the-art VisionPLUS 8.17 account processing system as hosted on the ACET Processing platform.

Lance Smith, Executive Director, AVIS Rent A Car, states, ?Having taken the decision to outsource the account processing component, AVIS were able to focus on the launch of our new pre-paid travel card without having to worry about any investment in additional technology, resources, software or infrastructure. By opting for an outsourced solution, the time to market that one would typically associate with the introduction of a first time consumer credit facility has been radically reduced. ACET Processing will provide our organisation with access to on-going account processing services which will add value to our business operations and customer service.?

Mike Crawley, Director of Software Services at PIC Solutions, adds, ?We are delighted to have AVIS on board as a processing client. We believe that our service offering will provide AVIS with the perfect platform from which to launch their future business initiatives whilst at the same time keeping a tight handle on the credit risk component.?

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